Analytics will now suggest new predictive audiences that you can create in the Audience Builder. For example, using Purchase Probability, we will suggest the audience “Likely 7-day purchasers” which includes users who are most likely to purchase in the next seven days. Or using Churn Probability, we will suggest the audience “Likely 7-day churning users” which includes active users who are not likely to visit your site or app in the next seven days.

Reaching your best audiences at scale

In the past, if you wanted to reach people most likely to purchase, you’d probably build an audience of people who had added products to their shopping carts but didn’t purchase or of users that visited your website twice in last 7 days but didn`t convert. However, with this approach you might miss reaching people who never selected an item but are likely to purchase in the future anyway. Predictive audiences automatically determine which customer actions on your app or site might lead to a purchase—helping you find more users who are likely to convert. You can reach those audiences easy and at scale.

Imagine you run a consumer electronics store and are trying to drive more digital sales. Analytics will now suggest an audience that includes everyone who is likely to purchase in the next seven days—on either your app or your site—and then you can reach them with a personalized message using Google Ads.

Or let’s say you’re an online publisher and want to maintain your average number of daily users. You can build an audience of users who are likely to not visit your app or site in the next seven days and then create a Google Ads campaign to encourage them to read one of your popular articles.

How online stores save CPC on Google Shopping s

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