SEO Seminars in Hamburg 2021
Master SEO
In 2021, smart online marketers can take advantage of our completely new SEO seminars in Hamburg.
In the new SEO seminar, you will learn how to elegantly move past your competitors.
Please inform me when SEO seminars in Hamburg take place again.
Why an SEO Seminar from UnitedAds
Buchen Sie jetzt Ihr SEO Seminar
1 day full of SEO know-how
Experienced trainers from the practice
Over 1000 satisfied participants
Free SEO Check in advance
Incl. 100 Video Tutorials
Detailed documentation and checklists
Attractive participant certificate
Lunch and drinks included
Seminar location
SIH seminar room
Mexican ring 15
22297 Hamburg
Please bring your laptop, WLAN is available
You can find our cancellation policy here.
More success with Google & Co
Become number 1 on Google
Our SEO seminars show you step by step the way to successful search engine optimization. We explain you what you need to do technically and in terms of content. With our SEO seminars you get the essential SEO Know-Kow in one day.
Best SEO Know-How
How we help you become successful with SEO
Our SEO seminars are packed with expertise and real-world examples. We will show you how the Google algorithm ticks and how the Google Bot perfectly sorts your pages.
After the SEO seminar you will know which measures will help you to conquer the search results and improve your ranking sustainably.
100% passion for SEO
We make you fit for SEO
In the search engine optimization seminar you will learn how to implement your SEO strategy in the best possible way, both technically and in terms of content. We show you how to establish structures and processes for your in-house SEO. But we can also help you if you want to work with an SEO agency.
We provide you with comprehensive SEO checklists.
We tell you which SEO tools are worth your money and what you can get for free from Google.
How to know how SEO really works
SEO seminars for more success online
Only with sound SEO know-how can you push the limits of Google’s guidelines and get the most out of them for your business. While the competition is sprinkling a few keywords here and there and still tinkering with H1 and H2 headings, as of now they are pushing the critical buttons.
Your goal is position 1, but SEO half-knowledge won’t get you anywhere these days. That’s why we show you in detail how #1 rankings are created.
Successful with SEO
SEO brings free traffic in the long term
Through the years of experience and knowledge of our experts, 1st place in organic search results also comes within reach for you.
But you need content that digs deep into the “Google brain.”
Your content must solve your users’ problems and answer their questions. Then it continuously delivers the positive user signals that tell the Google algorithm: this is a top website. We pave the way there for you with proven strategies.
The contents of the SEO seminar
We bring you up to date on Google updates.
The current BERT update is the biggest change to Google’s algorithm in years. At the start of the SEO seminar we will discuss the latest changes and updates.
The Core Web Vitals become an important ranking factor, so we will talk about it in the SEO seminar.
If a page is to rank, it must be indexed. If it is to be indexed, then it must be crawled beforehand.
Crawling is the prerequisite of indexing. The crawler – also called spider or bot – searches websites and analyzes their content (crawling) so that they can later be included in the search index (indexing) and evaluated (ranking).
Can Google find all relevant pages of your website and include them in the search index? Before you start creating content, you need to make sure that Google can understand your content. If Google can’t find its way around your site, then no matter how good your content is, it won’t have the desired effect because it won’t reach users.
Basically, all measures that serve to improve the Google ranking can be divided into two categories: OnPage and OffPage optimization.
The OnPage factors include all the actions you take directly on your website.
On-page factors
- Page title
- Ease of use and clarity
- Meaningful heading hierarchies
- High-quality content with added value
- Internal links
- Loading time
OffPage optimization, on the other hand, includes the factors outside your website.
Off-page factors
- Backlinks
- User signals (e.g. click-through rate, dwell time, bounce rate, social signals)
We discuss which factors are really important if you want to improve your Google ranking
Learn how ChatGPT and other AI tools can take your SEO to the next level.
Search Console gives you the opportunity to check your website for errors in the code, sitemap, internal links or URL structure. In addition, the page can be marked with structured data, links and especially the search queries with which users come to the page are displayed. You can also check your website crawling, indexing status and some more.
Careful keyword research is the basis for successful search engine optimization. The keywords you optimize for must first and foremost fit the theme of your website. However, you also need to pay attention to the search volume. It is of little use to be in first place for a search term if hardly anyone uses it? The basis of all SEO activities is therefore a conscientious keyword research, which can be done, for example, by means of suitable SEO tools.
Short, generic keywords like “insurance” or “vacation” are highly competitive. To achieve top positions for this requires considerable resource. That is why many SEOs focus on so-called long-tail keywords. These are search queries consisting of several words, which have significantly less competition and therefore promise faster and better chances of success.
The content of a website is a crucial element in search engine optimization. If you don’t optimize your content, you shouldn’t be too surprised if you don’t have any success in organic search in the long term. At the latest when competitors come along to challenge you for the best places in the Google ranking, the quality of your content decides…
Google places particular emphasis on E-A-T:
- E = expertise
- A = authority
- T = trust
So how do you specifically write good content? In the SEO seminar we show you.
Images, graphics and videos not only enhance a text visually, they also help the user immensely in understanding the text. the user can view the contents of your website
already grasp before he has started to read the associated text.
So are there aspects of your text that are easier to explain with an image or a video than with plain text?
In addition, there is great SEO potential in video, images and graphics, as such content is found and displayed via image and video search in addition to “normal search”.
For a long time now, optimizing page load speed has been not only desirable, but necessary. Google includes the so-called pagespeed directly in the rating of a website. But also user-related key figures such as the bounce rate and the conversion rate are closely related to the loading speed.
Structured data means a standardized format that prepares the contents of a page in a machine-readable way. Google uses structured data to better understand and classify the content and context of a page. In addition, structured data is used to provide specific search result features and enhancements. These are the so-called rich snippets or rich results and the Google Knowledge Graph.
Google uses the rain from for this purpose. The goal of the uniform markup of website content with the purpose that search engines can interpret it better.
We show them the most important structured data and how to best use it.
Internal linking is the most important means of communicating the website structure and the importance of various URLs to the crawler and the user. How often a URL is internally linked defines its relevance within the website as a whole.
So, important URLs can be highlighted by optimal linking within the website. Furthermore, good internal linking ensures that all areas of the page are quickly accessible for the crawler and the user and can thus be optimally captured.
In the SEO course you will get concrete ideas for an optimal navigation and link structure.
Duplicate content is a big issue for Google. The Googlebot does not like duplicate content. And if he finds too much of it on your website, he’s going to be pissed. The consequence can be downgrades in the ranking.
Why does Google have a problem with duplicate content? For one thing, it’s hard to algorithmically figure out which page of a domain is most appropriate for a search query. Also, Google wants to save crawling resources and not crawl dozens of versions of the same page because that consumes immense amounts of hardware and energy in Google’s scales.
One of the most important means of indexing management is redirects. The most frequently used redirect has the status code 301. The 301 code is a “permanent forwarding”. The search engine is informed that the content that was previously found on URL A can now be found permanently on URL B. As a result, the search engine will use the redirected
Remove URL A from the index and index the redirect target URL B instead.
In the SEO course we explain why 301 redirection is important for practically every website and how you should use it specifically.
Backlinks are still a relevant ranking factor. The logic behind this is as simple as it is ingenious: if many web pages link to a certain other page, this page must be relevant to a certain topic. Therefore, it makes sense to use backlinks as a “recommendation”. But is not enough if simply a large amount of pages link to your own website. It rather depends on the “quality” of these backlinks. If you get a backlink from a site that Google gives a lot of importance to, it will have a significantly greater impact on your website’s ranking than a backlink from a site that Google gives little or no importance to.
In the SEO course we will give you concrete ideas on how to acquire high-quality backlinks.
The majority of searches are made from mobile devices. To meet this user behavior, the strategic consequence for Google was to focus more and more on mobile search. Therefore, Google introduced the so-called “Mobile First Index” in April 2018. This did not represent a “second index”. Rather, it was a conversion of the Google index, which was previously based on desktop versions. In concrete terms, this means for webmasters that the rankings achieved on the desktop are also calculated on the basis of their mobile site. As of July 1, 2019, mobile-first indexing is standard for all newly registered domains.
Which concrete effects this should have on your search engine optimization, we explain to you in the SEO seminar.
Local SEO is based on local search, which Google introduced in 2007. The goal of local search is to answer search queries from a specific region in such a way that the user can expect the most relevant local results possible. In this context, this means that websites, companies and service providers are displayed that are geographically close to the user. Due to the high proportion of specific purchase intent in local searches, Local SEO is becoming increasingly important for companies operating regionally.
In the SEO course we will show you how to optimize your website for local search.
If your company is internationally active, international SEO is an important topic for you. In order for a user to see the correct URL for him in the search results, the hreflang attribute was introduced. It gives information about it to the Googlebot,
which language version should be output to the user based on their browser settings.
The hreflang attribute has an indirect influence on the CTR and bounce rate of the respective domain, because the output of URLs, titles and descriptions that are perceived as “correct” by the user increases the user’s trust. Furthermore, the use of the hreflang attribute prevents duplicate content problems.
The right tool can make the job easier. However, one tool alone will not improve the ranking of your website. You must also understand the SEO tools and be able to evaluate and interpret the corresponding data. Basically, there are different types of tools: free and paid tools, Google’s own tools and other providers.
In the SEO course we will show you which tools we use and give you advice for your selection.
FAQs about the SEO Seminar
Das SEO Seminar bezieht sich hauptsächlich auf Google, da Google in der deutschsprachigen Region beinahe als Monopol agiert. Bei der Optimierung für Google werden viele wichtige Rankingfaktoren der kleineren Suchmaschinen mit abgedeckt. Die Suchmaschinenoptimierung für Google deckt also automatisch die anderen Suchmaschinen Bing & Co. mit ab.
Das SEO Seminar beginnt um 10.00h. Während des Seminars gibt es kleine Kaffeepausen und eine gemeinsame Mittagspause. Das Mittagessen ist natürlich inklusive. Gegen 17:30h ist das SEO Seminar zu Ende.
Technisches Wissen ist für das SEO Seminar nicht notwendig. Im SEO Seminar lernen Sie, die Maßnahmen direkt umzusetzen und auch die Arbeit von technischen Dienstleistern in Ihrem Unternehmen oder einer SEO Agentur einzuschätzen.
Wir zeigen Ihnen Schritt-für-Schritt welche SEO Maßnahmen Sie an die Spitze der Suchergebnisse bringt. Auf diese Weise profitieren Sie am meisten von unseren SEO Seminaren.
Das SEO Seminar ist für alle, die für eine Website, einen Blog oder einen Online-Shop ein wesentlich besseres Ranking in den Google Suchergebnissen benötigen.
- Geschäftsführer, die ein neues SEO Team aufbauen möchten.
- Marketingverantwortliche, die die Suchmaschinenoptimierung übernehmen wollen.
- Onlinemarketer, die Ihr Know-How im Bereich SEO erweitern möchten
- Beschäftigte in den Bereichen PR, Vertrieb, Grafik und Design.
- Kleinunternehmer und Selbstständige, die Ihren Internetauftritt verbessern möchten.
- Freiberufler (Rechtsanwälte oder Ärzte), die über Google auf sich aufmerksam machen möchten.
- Blogger, die Ihre Website für Google optimieren möchten.
- Betreiber oder Mitarbeiter von Internet- oder Werbeagenturen
Im SEO Seminar behandeln wir alle Themen, die Sie auf Position 1 in den Google Suchergebnissen bringen.
- Content
- Technisches SEO
- Nutzer-Signale
- SEO Best Practices
- Local SEO
Ganz gleich, ob Sie das Wachstum Ihres Unternehmens fördern oder Ihre Karriere vorantreiben möchten – bei uns finden Sie die besten SEO Seminare.
Die Seminare von UnitedAds sind fokussierte Schulungen, die Professionals konkrete Anleitungen und Hilfestellungen für den Arbeitsalltag im digitalen Marketing bieten. Unsere Trainer gehören zu den schlausten Köpfen und vor allem erfahrenste Experten der Branche. Unsere Mission war es immer, jedem Marketer das aktuellste und relevanteste SEO Know-How an die Hand zu geben.
Deshalb zeigen wir nicht nur, welches Potential in SEO steckt, sondern erklären Ihnen ganz konkret, wie Sie dieses Potential für Ihr Unternehmen gewinnbringend nutzen könne.
Definitiv! Mit solidem SEO Know-How können Sie den Start Ihrer Website wesentlich besser planen und werden so deutlich früher ein gutes Ranking in den Suchergebnissen erzielen.
Unser SEO Trainer kommt direkt aus der Praxis. Sie erhalten immer das aktuelle Know-How, dass sich in der Praxis bereits bewährt hat.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
You still have questions about the SEO seminar?
Simply fill out this form and we will get back to you promptly to go over all your questions.