Yes, content created with AI can rank on Google. Google ranks websites based on various factors such as relevance, quality and user experience. As long as the content created with AI meets these criteria, it can appear in Google’s search results.

However, it is important to note that AI-generated content does not automatically rank better than human-written content. Google attaches great importance to high-quality and useful content that meets users’ needs. If the AI-generated content meets these requirements, it can rank just as well as content created by humans.

What does Google say about AI content?

Our focus is on the quality of content, not how it is produced. This has enabled us to deliver reliable, high-quality search results for years.” – Google

Google ultimately doesn’t care who creates your content or how it is created. Google’s focus here is clearly on the E-E-A-T principle, which will now come into play more because of the Helpful Content Update 2022.

However, an exception is automated content that is created for the sole purpose of influencing search engine results. This still falls under Google’s spam policy and will be penalized.

How does Google rank AI content?

As mentioned earlier,
Google follows the E-E-A-T principle here, which you can learn more about in our blog post created on the topic of

However, there are additional criteria that Google takes into account when evaluating your content:

  • The relevance of your website for specific search queries is evaluated.
  • Google attaches great importance to high-quality content that offers added value for users.
  • Google also takes into account the user experience on your website.
  • It is important to ensure that AI-generated content is unique.
Bewertung Google KI Content

What should AI-generated content look like for Google?

Your AI generated content should contain relevant information that meets the needs of searchers. AI can be used to create content that answers specific questions or covers specific topics. Good keyword research can also help target AI-generated content to relevant search queries.

In addition, you should make sure that the content you create is well-structured, well-written and informative. It is important to ensure that AI has sufficient data and resources to generate high-quality content.

Another plus of AI is grammar and spelling checking to improve the quality of the generated content.
As a general rule, AI content must be easily accessible and legible. Furthermore, to ensure a positive user experience, your website should have low loading times.

Because only if users are satisfied with the AI-generated content and find it helpful, this can have a positive impact on your ranking in search results.

Last but not least, it is important that you train the AI so that the content it generates does not duplicate content that already exists. Instead, AI content must be unique and offer added value. This is because Google recognizes duplicate content and may evaluate it negatively.

9 tips for high-quality and original AI-generated content

To ensure that an AI writes high-quality and original copy for you, consider the following steps:

  1. Choose the right AI tool: Not all AI text generators are the same. Make sure you choose an AI that is well-trained in your field and capable of producing high-quality text.
  2. Specify your prompts: AI tools need clear instructions to work effectively. Give specific instructions about what you want from the text, including the tone you want, the style, the structure, and the topics to be covered. Here you need to experiment with different prompts and instructions so that you get the text you want.
  3. Review and edit the text: AI can create a first draft, but it is still necessary to review and edit the text. Look for grammatical errors, unclear wording, or information that needs to be corrected or added.
  4. Use feedback loops: Many AI tools learn and improve through feedback. If you receive a text that does not meet your expectations, provide specific feedback to the tool to improve it for future tasks.
  5. Add a human touch to your text: AI can process data and facts efficiently, but it cannot provide the same emotional and creative capabilities as a human. So consider where human revision is needed.
  6. Train the AI: If you are using an AI model that can be trained, you should train it with high-quality sample data. This can help the model better understand your specific requirements and produce higher quality text.
  7. Make sure it’s up to date: The AI should be up to date with the latest information and data in your field. Regularly update the data or information that the AI uses to generate text.
  8. Assign context to the text: Make sure the AI understands the context in which the text is created. For example, it should understand who the target audience is and adjust the content accordingly.
  9. Use AI to generate ideas: Some AI tools can help you find unique topics or ideas to write about. These can serve as a starting point for creating unique texts.

By following these tips, you can significantly improve the quality of texts created by AI. Remember, however, that AI is only a tool that complements, but does not replace, human labor. It is still necessary to review and refine the content created.

Conclusion: AI texts rank on Google, but it is still up to humans how well they position themselves

AI generated content can rank on Google. However, how well this positions itself in the search results depends on whether you adhere to the generally applicable content guidelines. Because Google ultimately does not distinguish who wrote the text, but decides whether it is helpful for your users and whether it adds value.

If it is not, your content will not position well in search results, whether written by a human or by AI. And that’s where the difficulty lies.

Because it is often not so easy to formulate the instructions to the AI tools in such a way that the result is a well-structured, complex text that also creates added value.

Therefore, most of the time you are still needed as a human being to give the content an original touch and the final polish.

Questions and answers about Google and AI content

Q: Does AI content violate Google Search guidelines?
A: No, the appropriate use of AI or automation does not violate Google’s policies. However, content should not primarily be used to manipulate the ranking in the search results, as this would violate the spam guidelines.

Q: Why is AI content not banned in Google Search?
A: Google recognizes that automation has long been used to create useful content. AI offers new opportunities to create this content in an exciting and innovative way.

Q: How does Google prevent low-quality AI content from dominating search results?
A: Google already has experience in dealing with low-quality content, whether created by humans or by automation. There are systems for evaluating the usefulness of content and giving preference to original news reports, which are constantly being improved.

Q: How does Google deal with AI content that potentially spreads misinformation?
A: Google tries to provide quality information from reliable sources and avoid information that contradicts generally accepted facts. For sensitive topics, Google attaches particular importance to the reliability of the information.

Q: Can Google detect if AI has been used to inject spam into search results?
A: Yes, Google uses various systems, including SpamBrain, to analyze patterns and signals to detect spam content, regardless of how it was created.

Q: Is AI content prioritized in search results?
A: No, the use of AI does not bring any particular advantages for the placement in the search results. The decisive factor is the content itself. Useful and helpful original content that has E-E-A-T properties will perform well.

Q: Should I use AI to generate content?
A: The use of AI can be considered if it contributes to the production of useful original content. However, it should not be seen as a simple method of manipulating search engine rankings.

Q: Should bylines and disclosures be added to AI content?
A: Yes, it is recommended to include correct bylines, especially where readers expect it. Disclosures relating to AI or automation can contribute to transparency. However, citing AI as the author is not considered best practice.

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