Über den Autor

Content Manager at | + posts

Sven Nossek ist Content-Manager bei UnitedAds und kümmert sich um alle Bereiche der Content-Erstellung: von der Recherche über Briefings und Content-Pläne bis zum fertigen Text. Er befasst sich seit 2019 mit dem Thema Content Management, SEO und Content-Marketing sowie Künstlicher Intelligenz im Marketing- und Content-Bereich.

Neben Deutsch spricht er Englisch, lernt Schwedisch und kann einige Wörter Spanisch. In seiner Freizeit liest er Fantasy, Science-Fiction und historische Romane, schreibt selbst, kocht und ist auf Mittelaltermärkten anzutreffen, wo er seine Leidenschaft für Geschichte und Archäologie mit seinem anderen Hobby kombiniert: dem Brauen von edlem Honigwein aus regionalen Zutaten.

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Discover with UnitedAds the art of search engine optimization (SEO) that will bring your company to the top of the search results.

With us, you will not only find experts with years of experience, but also innovative strategies that are specifically designed to revolutionize your online presence. We understand that every company is unique – that’s why we provide you with customized SEO solutions that are tailored precisely to your needs.

Our advanced techniques and proven methods are your key to improved website rankings and increased visibility in search engine results. Choose UnitedAds and experience how we redefine quality, innovation and measurable success in the world of search engine optimization.

Rely on our expertise to maximize your digital reach, reach your target group more effectively and ensure sustainable business success.

Voice Search Optimization: More than just a trend for SEO experts

Ever since Apple introduced its Siri voice assistant, voice search has become an integral part of marketing. In particular, it is often predicted that voice search will replace normal search and thus revolutionize the SEO landscape in the long term.

However, this revolution in voice assistants has yet to materialize. Nevertheless, voice search optimization is an exciting topic and – if used correctly – a powerful marketing tool.

In this article, we therefore take an in-depth look at how SEO for voice search works and when it makes sense to optimize for voice assistants.

Voice search optimization – basics and insights

Let’s start with the basics. Voice Search Optimization, or VSO for short, refers to the optimization of content for voice search. These can be voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant or Apple Siri.

These are based on speech recognition in combination with access to a search engine. In most cases this is Google, Microsoft assistants naturally use Bing.

Queries submitted via voice search are usually formulated in complete sentences and natural language. This must of course be taken into account during optimization.

As voice assistants gradually became more commonplace from a new, still largely unknown tech gadget, many marketers expected voice optimization to fundamentally shake up SEO. It was expected that the majority of all search queries would come via voice assistants in a few years’ time.

However, this effect has largely failed to materialize in reality. Sure, voice assistants are much more widespread today than they were just a few years ago, but they are far from ubiquitous – and traditional search is still prevalent in many areas.

So is Voice Search Optimization completely overrated?

Not quite. A blanket “VSO works everywhere” strategy is not effective in most cases. However, there are cases in which it makes sense. And in the paragraph in which we deal with conversational language in detail, we return to the beginning. The methods of language optimization have received increased attention in recent months. More on this later.

The importance of the intensity of use of voice search

Whether optimization for voice search is worthwhile depends above all on the behaviour of your users. Because the best optimization is useless if you address the wrong target group.

The easiest way to do this is to use the data from Google Search Console. There you can see for which search queries your website appears in the search results.

If there are a lot of formulations from natural language – with long, complete sentences – you will have a high proportion of visitors from language searches. Then it is worth pushing ahead with optimization.

Screenshots of Search Console Longtail Keyword for Voice Search Optimization

If, on the other hand, you find many short phrases or individual words, the likelihood that your users will use voice search is low.
Another aspect is the target group analysis. If you know that your target group talks to Alexa, Siri and the like a lot, optimization also makes sense.

After a while, compare your target group analysis with the user data to determine whether the initial premise is correct or not. It is always possible to adjust the strategy.

Long tail keywords in voice search

We already mentioned in the previous paragraph that you can recognize search queries from voice search by their long, complete and natural-sounding sentences and questions.

In SEO jargon, we call these “long tail keywords“. They are not new and also have their raison d’être outside VSO. For example, covering long-tail phrases is one of the long-standing tips for small and new websites struggling to compete against established competitors.

When it comes to optimizing for voice search, targeted optimization for the long tail is essential. This is because voice search queries are also predominantly formulated in long, complete sentences and in natural language.

The difficulty here is to find the formulations that users are likely to use. After all, we are all a little different. That’s why we always formulate our questions a little differently.

The good thing is that search engines and voice assistants are getting better and better at recognizing synonyms and understanding the meaning of a statement. In voice optimization, we do not necessarily have to meet the exact formulation of the user.

Creating content in a conversational style and natural language, on the other hand, helps voice assistants to understand it well.

For example, an effective long tail keyword for a local restaurant could be “Where can I find the best vegetarian restaurant in Berlin?”. This example shows how long tail keywords can be used to respond to targeted queries.

Content optimization for voice assistants

Optimizing content for voice search is the most important aspect of adapting a website for voice assistant users.

Of course, the basic technical framework must also be right if you are to have any chance of achieving good rankings. But adapting the content is crucial.

One possibility for this customization is the use of FAQ sections on specific topics. These are usually formulated in natural language and provide clear, concise answers to frequently asked questions. FAQ sections for search engines and voice assistants are also easy to recognize. These algorithms therefore quickly understand that such a section provides easy-to-understand and usable answers to questions.

Another aspect is the use of structured data such as Schema.org markup. This data helps search engines, algorithms and AI to better understand your content.

Together with a natural language style, which we will discuss in more detail in a moment, these measures increase the likelihood of appearing in voice searches.

Natural language and conversational styles – the key to voice search

Adapting to natural language and conversational styles is an essential element of voice search optimization.

Since voice search users tend to express themselves as if they were talking to a human, your website content should reflect this style. This means that the text should be fluent, dialog-oriented and free of complicated technical jargon.

Rather than relying on stiff or keyword-heavy wording, it’s about using more human, engaging language.

An example: Instead of “Find the best Italian restaurants in Munich”, you could write “Where can I find a good Italian restaurant in Munich?”. This way of wording is more like the natural way someone would use a voice search.

This approach not only helps you rank better in voice search results, but also creates a more accessible and user-friendly experience for your website visitors.

It’s about building a bridge between the technical SEO requirements and the natural communication of users.

Natural language: not only valuable for voice assistants

The conversational style of speech is not only better understood by voice assistants such as Alexa, Siri and Cortana.

We have already indicated that these methods have become increasingly important in recent months. This is due to the “rise of AI“, as the development is sometimes referred to.

AI chatbots such as ChatGPT or Bard basically use the same technology as voice assistants: A voice recognition AI. And with the increasing implementation of AI in search engines, as well as the use of chatbots instead of traditional search engines, it is important to be properly understood by them.

Optimizing for a natural language style and using structured data not only helps when your users use voice assistants for search, but also prepares you for the future with more and more AI tools.

Technical basics for successful voice search SEO

  • Technically flawless basis. Your website should be technically as error-free as possible. This is an important aspect not only for voice search, but in general. Only a technically good website will consistently achieve good rankings. Since only the top positions have a chance of being played by voice assistants, the technical basis is particularly important.
  • Lightning-fast page load time. Admittedly, a voice assistant does not feel frustrated if a page does not load as quickly as it should. But these tools have very limited resources to find the ideal result. If your website reacts too slowly to Alexa or Siri’s attempt to read the content in order to formulate a suitable response, the voice assistant will leave your site and select the next best result instead.
  • Mobile optimization. Many voice requests are made via smartphones. If your question cannot be answered in just one sentence, users will want to visit the website themselves – for example, to obtain further information or view products. Poor mobile optimization is then frustrating and quickly drives users away. In addition, search engines such as Google attach great importance to mobile optimization, so you also benefit from this in the normal organic search results.

Local SEO for voice search – why it matters

The importance of local SEO for voice search should not be underestimated, especially given the way users use voice search.

Many voice search queries are local, as users are often looking for services or businesses in their area, such as a restaurant or specialist store. The integration of place names in long-tail keywords is therefore essential to increase visibility for these local language search queries.

In addition, voice search queries are often carried out via mobile devices. Local search optimization is therefore crucial in order to rank well in search results on mobile devices.

In addition, voice search is primarily used for the immediate benefit of information, often when users are on the move and need to find their way around or organize something. In such situations, it is important that the relevant local information can be provided quickly and efficiently.

Therefore, local SEO plays a central role in the voice search experience by ensuring that the information provided is accurate, timely and meets the specific needs of users.

Target group analysis – key to the voice search strategy

Understanding the target group and its behavior is an important factor for the successful implementation of voice search strategies. In order to respond effectively to the needs and habits of users, a detailed analysis of different user types and their device behavior is required.

It is important to understand how different demographics use voice search technologies and which devices they prefer. For example, younger users may be more inclined to use voice search on their smartphones, while older users may be more likely to use smart speakers at home.

These findings make it possible to adapt the content specifically to the voice search behavior of the respective target group. By tailoring the content to the specific questions and requirements that frequently occur in voice searches, a higher relevance and thus a better position in the search results can be achieved.

For example, content for younger users could be geared more towards mobile devices and quick information queries, while for older target groups the focus could be on more detailed explanations and use at home.

This targeted adaptation of content helps to improve the visibility and effectiveness of voice search optimization while providing an optimal user experience.

Performance management in voice search SEO

Monitoring and adjusting performance in voice search is a continuous process that is crucial to the success of your SEO strategy.

Using specialized performance monitoring tools and methods allows you to track key metrics such as the frequency of voice search queries, the positioning of your content in search results and user behavior .

Tools such as Google Analytics and special SEO platforms provide insights into this data and help to identify patterns and trends.

You can make targeted adjustments based on this performance data. This can include, for example, the optimization of keywords, the adaptation of content or technical improvements to your website. It is important to make these adjustments regularly to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms of search engines and user preferences.

By continuously monitoring and flexibly adapting your voice search strategy, you can ensure that your content remains effective and relevant, maximizing visibility and engagement with your target audience.

Key takeaways and final tips for voice search optimization

In summary, it can be said that voice search optimization is a multifaceted and dynamic field within SEO.

It has become clear that although voice search has not revolutionized the search landscape as originally assumed, it still offers important opportunities for targeted marketing. Adapting to the intensity of use of voice search, the targeted use of long tail keywords, optimizing content for natural language patterns and focusing on local SEO are essential steps to optimize your website for voice search.

Start with a thorough analysis of your target audience and their behaviors, implement the tactics you learn and continuously monitor performance to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Voice Search Optimization offers an excellent opportunity to future-proof your brand while ensuring an effective and user-oriented online presence.

As an experienced SEO agency, we are of course happy to support you in implementing a voice search optimization strategy.

Über den Autor

Content Manager at | + posts

Sven Nossek ist Content-Manager bei UnitedAds und kümmert sich um alle Bereiche der Content-Erstellung: von der Recherche über Briefings und Content-Pläne bis zum fertigen Text. Er befasst sich seit 2019 mit dem Thema Content Management, SEO und Content-Marketing sowie Künstlicher Intelligenz im Marketing- und Content-Bereich.

Neben Deutsch spricht er Englisch, lernt Schwedisch und kann einige Wörter Spanisch. In seiner Freizeit liest er Fantasy, Science-Fiction und historische Romane, schreibt selbst, kocht und ist auf Mittelaltermärkten anzutreffen, wo er seine Leidenschaft für Geschichte und Archäologie mit seinem anderen Hobby kombiniert: dem Brauen von edlem Honigwein aus regionalen Zutaten.

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