Content Marketing is an important strategy for informing and engaging users and thus drawing attention to your brand. There are many ways you can use content marketing to achieve your goals, and in the coming paragraphs we will share some of the best tips that will help you make your content marketing program successful.

From choosing the right content forms to optimizing for search engines, there are many factors that need to be considered in order to have successful content marketing. So stay tuned to learn how to engage users with your content and successfully showcase your brand.

100 Content Marketing Tips

The best tips for your content marketing

1. decide on content marketing!

Content marketing a valuable marketing strategy worth considering. However, it is important to factor the amount of work and resources required to create and distribute content into the marketing strategy.

2. create a content marketing strategy that supports your goals

Content marketing strategy is a plan that defines how you will coordinate your content marketing efforts and ensure they contribute to your business goals.

To create a successful content marketing strategy, you should follow these steps:

  • Identify your target audience: Before you start creating content, it’s important to know who you’re writing for. Create customer profiles to get a better understanding of who your target audience is and what they are interested in.
  • Set clear goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your content marketing. Possible goals could be to increase traffic numbers, improve conversion rates or increase brand awareness.
  • Choose the right channels: Consider which channels you want to publish your content on. Possible channels include your website, social media, email marketing, or blog.
  • Create a content calendar: plan in advance what kind of content you want to publish and when. A content calendar helps ensure that you publish new content regularly and don’t lose your audience.
  • Measure and optimize your performance: Use analytics tools to measure the performance of your content and understand what works and what doesn’t. Based on these insights, you can optimize your strategy to achieve better results.
  • It’s important that your content marketing strategy is aligned with your goals and focused on your target audience and the channels you choose. This way, you can ensure that your efforts are successful and have a positive impact on your business.

3. set clear goals and measurable KPIs for your content marketing

It’s important to set clear goals and measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) for your content marketing to ensure your efforts are successful and impacting your business.

Some examples of possible targets and KPIs are:

  • Increase traffic numbers to the website: You can aim to increase traffic to your website by creating and publishing more quality content. As a KPI, you could use the number of visits to your website or the number of page views.

  • Increase conversion rate: If your goal is to generate more leads or sales, you could use conversion rate as a KPI, which indicates how many visitors to your website actually become leads or customers.

  • Increase engagement rate: you can also aim to increase your audience’s engagement by creating interesting and relevant content that they share and comment on. As a KPI you could use the number of likes, shares and comments.

  • Increase brand awareness: if your goal is to increase brand awareness, you could use the number of brand mentions or the number of new followers on social media as a KPI.

It is important that your goals and KPIs are clearly defined and impact your business objectives. This way, you can ensure that your content marketing efforts are focused on the right things and actually contribute to a positive outcome.

4. identify your target group and create personas to tailor your content to their needs

It can be helpful to create personas to ensure your content is targeted to their needs. Personas are fictional characters that represent your target audience and help you develop a deeper understanding of their wants, needs, and behaviors.

To identify your target audience, answer the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience? (e.g. age, gender, occupation, income)
  • What is your target group interested in? (e.g. hobbies, interests, problems)
  • Where is your target audience online? (e.g. social media, forums, blogs)

  • What drives your target group? (e.g. motivations, goals, desires)

You can then create personas by synthesizing this information and creating fictional characters that represent your target audience. Each persona should have a name, age, profession and a short bio. You can also take screenshots of social media profiles or blogs to put a face to your personas.

Creating personas helps you put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and tailor your content to their needs. This way, you can ensure that your content is relevant and interesting to your target audience and satisfies their need for solutions and information.

5. consider target group needs and preferences when choosing content forms

It is important to consider the needs and preferences of the target audience when choosing different content forms. This will ensure that you are engaging users in a way that is relevant and appealing to them.

This way, you can excite users and encourage them to engage more deeply with the brand and its content.

6. create an editorial calendar to structure your content planning process

An editorial calendar is an important tool for structuring your content planning process and ensuring that you publish new content regularly. It helps you gather and organize your ideas and make sure you have enough time to complete all the necessary steps before you publish the content.

To create an editorial calendar, you should follow these steps:

  • Specify how often you want to publish new content: Possible frequencies are daily, weekly or monthly.

  • Create a list of topics you want to cover: Think about the type of content you want to create and what topics are relevant to your target audience.
  • Plan when to publish: Think about when you want to publish your content and whether there are certain days or times when your target audience is particularly active.
  • Create a template for your calendar: you can use either an Excel spreadsheet or a Trello board to organize your content and when to publish it.
  • Add details: Enter any details you need to create and publish your content, such as the author, title, status (e.g., in progress, ready to publish), and links to research materials or images, if applicable.

An editorial calendar helps you stick to your content plan and ensure that you publish new content regularly. It also makes it easier to collaborate with other team members and ensures that everyone knows what content to publish and when.

7. use different types of content

Use different types of content to give users different ways to consume your brand (e.g., blog posts, infographics, videos, podcasts.

It’s important to use different types of content to give users different ways to consume your brand. By using different content forms, you can capture users’ attention in different ways and allow them to experience the brand in their preferred way.

For example, blog posts can be a great way to provide more in-depth information on a topic, while infographics are a visually appealing way to illustrate complex ideas. Videos and podcasts, in turn, provide an audio-visual way to consume content that may be more accessible to some users than lengthy text reading.

8. use search engine optimization (SEO) for your content

Use search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that your content is found by users: Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important aspect of creating content to ensure that it is found by users.

SEO refers to the practice of improving the relevance and authority of a website or web document for specific keywords in order to rank higher in search engine results. By improving your visibility in search engine results, you can attract more users to your website and thus generate more traffic.

There are several ways you can use SEO in your content. An important factor is the use of relevant and industry-related keywords in the titles and headings of your content, as well as in the meta description and alt texts of images. It’s also important to make sure your content is well-structured and easy to read by using headings, paragraphs, and bulleted lists. Using internal links to other relevant content on your website can also help increase the relevance and authority of your website.

It is important to remember that SEO is an ongoing process and it takes time to achieve the desired results. However, it’s worth investing the time and effort into optimizing your content, as this can help your brand be found by a greater number of users.

9. publish new content on a regular basis

It’s important to publish new content regularly to keep users coming back and keep them interested. By publishing new, relevant, and interesting content, users have a reason to keep returning to your website or social media channels for the latest developments and news.

Posting new content regularly can also help your brand stay in users’ minds and help them remember it when they search for products or services you offer. It is important to add value to users by providing them with information that is of interest to them, thus encouraging them to engage more deeply with the brand and its content.

It is also important to remember that the quality of the content is more important than the quantity. Make sure the content you publish is high quality and actually adds value to users, rather than just publishing filler to increase frequency. This way, you can make sure that the content you publish is really noticed and appreciated by users.

10. targets topics with search traffic potential

Content marketing refers to the creation and distribution of interesting, relevant, and regularly updated content with the goal of gaining the attention and loyalty of target audiences. One of the most important goals of content marketing is to drive traffic to the website and increase its visibility on the Internet.

One way to do this is to create content that targets topics that have high search traffic potential.

This means that the content is based on topics that many people are searching for online. Such topics may include current trends, industry-specific news, or solutions to common problems. By focusing on such topics, you can capture the interest of the target audience and ensure that the content is seen by many people.

It’s important to note that creating content that targets topics with high search traffic potential is only one aspect of content marketing. To be successful, content must also be relevant, of high quality, and effectively engage the target audience. It is also important to regularly provide the audience with new content and update the existing content to keep the attention and loyalty of the target audience.

Über den Autor

CEO at | +49 89 54195608 | | + posts

Alexander Sperber ist Geschäftsführer und CEO von UnitedAds.
Seit fast 20 Jahren beschäftigt er sich mit den Themen Google Ads und SEO.

11. answer the questions of your target group

It sounds so simple, yet it’s so effective: really good content answers the questions potential buyers have about your product, service, or industry. As mentioned earlier, this is the essence of the “They Ask, You Answer” method. When you’re able to answer your customers’ questions (especially those that your competitors don’t address, such as pricing and cost), you stand out as a trusted source.

But what questions are your customers actually asking?

The best way to find out is to talk to your sales and account managers. In addition, there are five topic areas that potential buyers almost always have questions about, regardless of product or industry. In “They Ask, You Answer,” these topics are called the “Big 5”: costs, problems, comparisons, leaderboards, ratings

12. don’t write so much about yourself and your products

Of course, your goal is to sell a product or service. But put your brand in the background for a moment and focus on your target audience. “Nobody cares about your products and services.

Everyone just cares about their own problems.” – David Meerman Scott

People don’t want to read advertising messages on the Internet or immediately buy a product or service. Stand by your visitors with useful information. Be honest and objective and answer the questions of your (potential) customers as you would answer the question of a very good friend. As an expert in your industry, you have knowledge that no one else has. When you share this knowledge authentically, your readers build trust with you from the start. In this way, your satisfied readers will very likely soon become satisfied customers.

13. prioritize topics with “business potential”

Search traffic alone is an insignificant metric. If it doesn’t improve your business (i.e. more leads or more sales), then more search traffic is pointless.In content marketing, it’s important that the topics you work on are beneficial to the company and have business potential.

Opportunities to prioritize topics with business potential:

  • Relevance to the company: Choose topics that are relevant to the company and support the company’s goals.

  • Relevance to the target audience: Choose topics that are relevant to the target audience and arouse their interest.

  • Search engine optimization: consider whether the theme is well suited for search engine optimization and whether it will help the company to be found better in search engines.

  • Competitiveness: consider whether the topic is competitive for the company and whether it adds value to the company by differentiating itself from the competition.

  • Resources: consider whether the company has the necessary resources to successfully address the issue, including time, staff and budget.

By considering these factors, you can prioritize topics with business potential and ensure that content marketing is beneficial to the business.

14. wrap your content in stories

Package your content in stories to make it more interesting and memorable for readers. Stories can help make the content more emotional and personal, and readers can better relate to the topic. They can also help make the content easier to understand and easier for readers to remember.

Try to make your stories as vivid and descriptive as possible by using examples and metaphors. Remember that the story doesn’t have to be the main message of the content, it just serves as a framework to get the content across.

15. use formatting to make the content easy to read

It is important that the content you write is not only interesting and relevant, but also well presented. Use formatting, paragraphs, and headings to make text clear and easy to read, especially on mobile devices.

Bullet points and subheadings can help structure the text and make it easier for the reader to skim quickly. Images and graphics can also help make the text more visually appealing. Avoid using complicated industry-specific terms to ensure that the content is understandable to all readers.

By keeping these things in mind, you can ensure that your content is easy for readers to understand and read.

16. go into depth with your content

It’s important that quality content doesn’t just scratch the surface, but dives deeper into the topic to answer any important questions the target audience might have. However, you don’t have to cover every detail of a topic, but should instead provide an overview of all the important points and, in the best case, link to more in-depth content to provide the reader with more information. It is important that the content is not only informative, but also useful and helps the reader to better understand and master the topic.

Again, it’s all about offering added value. Even before you create content, consider how much depth and detail the reader expects and needs.

17. give recommendations for action that are as concrete as possible

Provide recommended actions in your content to give readers specific tips and guidance on how to put the topic into practice. Recommendations for action can help make the content more useful to readers and give them concrete steps they can take to implement the topic.

They can also help make the content easier to understand and help readers master the topic. Try to make your recommendations for action as concrete and practical as possible, and make sure they are relevant to the target audience.

Also consider that the recommended actions may not be appropriate for all readers and may need to be adapted to meet individual needs and requirements.

18. keep your content up to date

Regularly check your older posts and update them if necessary. Make sure all information is correct and up to date.

Be sure to constantly revise and improve your old content. It often makes more sense to revise an older post and add new information than to write a new article. In this way, certain topics can always be kept up to date.

We also regularly revise our posts to incorporate new developments.

Moreover: Google loves fresh content on your website and rewards you with a better search engine result.

19. use a unique voice and perspective for your content

Use a unique voice and perspective in your writing means you have an individual way of expressing your thoughts and ideas. This may mean that you have a unique writing style, perspective, or voice that sets your writing apart from others.

A unique voice and perspective can help make your writing more interesting and distinctive, and give your readers a better idea of who you are and what you have to say. It is important to develop your own voice and perspective and express it in your writing, rather than taking cues from others or trying to copy what others write. This allows you to convey your own identity and personality in your writing and appeal to your readers.

20. try to develop new and creative ideas for your content

To come up with new and creative ideas for your content, think outside the box. Try new perspectives and be willing to take risks.

Here are some ways you can generate new ideas:

  • Use brainstorming techniques: write down all the ideas that come to mind without evaluating or analyzing them. Let your creativity run wild and be open to all possibilities.
  • Gather inspiration: Look around you for inspiration in your surroundings, in art, in nature, or in other industries.
  • Harness the power of collaboration: work with others and take advantage of the synergies that arise.
  • Use tools and techniques: There are many tools and techniques that can help you develop new ideas. Try different methods and see what works best for you.

21 Put your audience at the center of your content marketing

You should always consider the audience you are creating your content for at the core of your content marketing. Ask yourself the question, “What’s in it for my audience?” A potential user of your website always wants to know first what he can expect from you and whether there is a personal benefit for him. If you manage to answer this question positively, your content marketing will be successful. Otherwise, the user is unlikely to consume your content permanently.

Therefore, always make sure that your content is focused on helping the already existing audience and potential new users and solving their problems effectively. This way, your content marketing will most likely become successful.

22. use visual elements for your content marketing

Visual elements can be a valuable addition to your content marketing. They can help make your content more vivid and lively and capture users’ attention.

Here are some ways you can incorporate visual elements into your content marketing:

  • Use images and photos: A pictorial representation of your content can help make it more interesting and easier for users to understand. Choose images and photos that fit your theme and attract users’ attention.
  • Create infographics: Infographics are a great way to present complex information clearly. You can use it to draw users’ attention to important points and allow them to quickly understand the information.
  • Use videos: Videos are a lively and entertaining way to present your content. You can use it to attract users’ attention and provide them with a visual demonstration of your content.
  • Create GIFs: GIFs are short, animated images that are a great way to present your content in a fun way. They are particularly suitable for social networks and can attract the attention of users.

23. use headlines that attract attention

Headlines are an important part of your content because they grab users’ attention and help keep them interested in your content.

To grab users’ attention, you might consider the following things for your headlines:

  • Make the headline short and concise: use as few words as possible to get to the heart of your content.
  • Use reinforcing words: use words that grab users’ attention, such as “surprising,” “shocking,” or “incredible.”
  • Make the headline interesting: Ask yourself if the headline provides value to users or piques their interest.
  • Use bulleted lists: Use bulleted lists in your headlines to convey to users that they will find several important points in your content.
  • Use questions: Ask questions in your headlines that pique users’ curiosity and encourage them to read your content.

24. use social media to share your content and interact with users

Using social media is a great way to share your content with a larger audience and encourage interaction with users. By using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, you can share your content in the form of posts, images, videos or other formats to attract attention.

There are several ways you can use social media to distribute your content:

  • Share your content regularly across platforms to reach a wide audience.

  • Use hashtags to categorize your content to make it easier to find.

  • Interact with users by responding to comments and questions and participating in discussions.
  • Use the power of platforms to promote your content for greater reach.

Overall, using social media is a great way to spread your content and engage with users. However, it is important that you post regularly and actively interact with users to achieve high visibility and engagement.

25 Use email marketing to inform users about your new content

Email marketing is an effective way to inform users about new content and distribute it. By using email marketing, you can target users who are interested in your content and have already responded to your emails in the past.

There are several ways you can use email marketing to distribute your new content:

  • Create email lists of users who are interested in your content and provide them with new mails on a regular basis.

  • Use the power of email marketing tools to target users interested in specific topics.

  • Create attractive email templates that encourage users to read and recommend your new content.

  • Use analytics tools to monitor the open and click-through rates of your mails and optimize them if necessary.

Overall, email marketing is a great way to inform users about new content and spread the word. However, it is important that you send regular mails and make them personalized and appealing to achieve a high open and click-through rate.

26. use guest posts and cooperations to increase your reach and reach new users

Guest posts and collaborations can be an effective way to increase the reach of your content and engage new users.

A guest post is a post you publish on another website or medium, while a collaboration is a cooperation with another person or organization to create or distribute content. Both strategies offer the opportunity to get your content in front of a larger audience and benefit from an established platform or influencer that already has a loyal following.

When publishing guest posts, make sure the content is high quality and relevant to the guest platform audience. It is also important that you adhere to the host platform’s policies and requirements and make an effort to build a relationship with the operators.

When collaborating, carefully choose who you work with to ensure that the collaboration is mutually beneficial and that the content you create together is of high quality. It is also important to have clear agreements to ensure that all expectations are met and that no misunderstandings arise.

Overall, guest posts and collaborations offer the opportunity to increase your reach and engage new users, as long as you carefully plan and choose who you collaborate with and where you publish your content.

27. host your most valuable content on your platform

It’s important to host your valuable content on your own platform rather than sharing it on external platforms like social media or video sharing sites. By hosting your content on your own platform, you have full control over access to your content and can ensure it is seen by your desired audience. Moreover, hosting your content on your platform allows you to drive traffic to your website and thus increase the visibility of your brand.

Another benefit of hosting your content on your platform is that it can generate revenue. For example, you can offer your content for a paid membership or place ads on your platform to generate revenue.

Overall, it is therefore advisable to host your valuable content on your own platform to have full control over access to your content and to generate traffic and revenue.

28. create sponsored content to draw users’ attention to your brand

Sponsored content is an effective way to attract users to your brand. This is content that is paid for by a company or brand and published on a platform or channel to inform or entertain users.

To create sponsored content, you should first consider what type of content best fits your brand and what platform or channels are best suited for distributing that content. Once you have made these decisions, you can start creating the content. Make sure the content is interesting and relevant to your target audience, and that it clearly conveys your brand’s message.

To create sponsored content, you should also develop a strategy on how to distribute the content and get users to take notice of your brand. This can include, for example, targeted advertising campaigns or partnerships with influencers or other well-known personalities.

Overall, creating sponsored content provides an effective way to draw users to your brand and increase awareness.

29. work together with influencers

Influencer marketing is a marketing strategy where companies or brands partner with influencers to promote and advertise their brand. Influencers are individuals who have a large following on a particular platform or in a particular industry, and whose opinions and recommendations are relevant and trustworthy to many users.

To use influencer marketing successfully, it’s important to choose the right influencers for your brand. Look for influencers who are in your industry or areas that are relevant to your target audience. It’s also important that influencers have an authentic connection to your brand and are genuinely interested in the products or services you offer.

Once you find the right influencers, you can work with them to create and distribute content that promotes your brand. This content can be, for example, blog posts, social media posts, videos or photos created by influencers and published on their channels.

Overall, influencer marketing offers a way to increase your exposure and visibility. However, it is important that you choose carefully and find the right influencers to make the partnership successful.

30. create landing pages and forms to collect leads and get users to sign up for your newsletter or other offers

A landing page is a special web page designed to get users to perform a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or buying a product.

To make a landing page successful, you should keep the following things in mind:

  • Clear call-to-action: make it clear to the user what they should do. A clear call-to-action like “sign up now” or “buy now” helps the user to orientate and decide.

  • Focus on the offer: clearly highlight the offer you want to attract users to. To do this, use as many visual elements as possible, such as images or videos, to illustrate the offer.

  • Easy navigation: make sure the user can easily navigate the landing page and quickly perform the desired action. Avoid distracting the user with too many links or elements.

  • Optimization for mobile devices: Nowadays, many websites are accessed on mobile devices. Make sure your landing page looks and works well on all devices.

To collect leads, you can include a form on the landing page where users can leave their contact information. Make sure the form is kept as simple as possible and only asks for the most important information. Too many required fields can lead to users not filling out the form.

31 Use A/B testing to find out which versions of headlines, CTAs and other elements work best

A/B testing is a method you can use to find out which versions of headlines, calls-to-action (CTAs), and other elements work best. Here, two or more variants of an element (variant A and variant B) are created and then played out to a random group of users. Based on the results, you can then see which variant works better.

To perform A/B testing, you first need a hypothesis that you want to test. For example, “Variant B of the headline results in a higher click-through rate than Variant A.” Then you create the two variants and perform the testing. To do this, you can use, for example, special software that automates the playout of the variants and the measurement of the results.

It is important that A/B testing is performed on a large enough sample for the results to be meaningful. In addition, you should make sure that only one element is different between the two variants, so that you are sure that the results are actually due to this element. A/B testing can help you optimize your landing pages and other web pages to attract more users.

32. create a comprehensive content library to provide users with a variety of resources

A comprehensive content library is a collection of resources made available to users. These resources can be in various formats, such as blog articles, e-books, videos, podcasts, or infographics. A comprehensive content library provides users with a variety of ways to learn and inform themselves.

To create a comprehensive content library, you should first determine which audience the resources are for and what topics are relevant to them. Then you can choose different formats that are suitable for the target audience and convey the topics in a vivid and interesting way.

It is important that resources are updated regularly so that users are always up to date. In addition, make sure resources are easily accessible and well organized so users can quickly find what they’re looking for. A comprehensive content library can help users learn and inform themselves, and is therefore a valuable offering for any organization.

33. use user-generated content for your content marketing

User-generated content, also known as UGC, is content created by users of a brand or company. This can be in the form of reviews, customer feedback, blog posts, photos, videos or social media posts, for example.

For content marketing, UGC can be a valuable resource because it is authentic, credible, and comes from users who actually use the brand or company. UGC can also help increase user engagement and brand visibility.

  • Use UGC in your social media posts: For example, share photos or videos of users using your products and add an appropriate hashtag so other users can easily find the posts.

  • Create a landing page or microsite specifically for users who create UGC: On this page, users can share their own posts and inspire other users to create UGC as well.

  • Integrate UGC into your email marketing campaigns: For example, include customer feedback or reviews in your emails to make your messages more authentic and credible.
  • Use UGC in your landing pages and product pages: For example, include customer reviews or photos of users using your products on your landing pages and product pages to increase potential customers’ trust in your brand.

It’s important to carefully moderate UGC in your content marketing and only use content that is appropriate for your brand and target audience. You should also carefully review the rights to user-generated content and, if necessary, obtain user consent before using the content.

34. use content upcycling to refresh and reuse old content

Content upcycling refers to the reuse of existing content to refresh it and present it in a new form. This is a great way to make old content relevant and current again and make it interesting for new audiences.

There are several ways you can use content upcycling in your marketing:

  • Create a new version of an older blog post: update the information, add new examples, and redesign the post to make it interesting for your current audience.

  • Create an infographic or video from an older blog post: use the information from the post to create an easy-to-understand infographic or video that you can share on social media.

  • Use old blog posts as the basis for new email marketing campaigns: Select interesting topics from older posts and use them as inspiration for new email messages.

  • Create a summary of older blog posts: Create a short summary of older posts and publish it on social media or in your newsletter to give users a sense of the content and encourage them to read the full post.

It’s important that when you’re content upcycling, you make sure the information in the old content is still current and relevant. You should also carefully update and redesign old content to ensure that it is interesting to the current target audience.

35. use micro-moments to reach users at the crucial moments when they are looking for information

Micro-moments are short windows of time when users search for information to make a decision or perform an action. These moments can relate to a variety of areas, such as purchase decisions, travel planning, entertainment, or learning new skills.

To reach users in micro-moments, it’s important to design your content to be easily accessible and relevant to users. Here are some ways you can use Micro-Moments:

  • Make sure your website and content are optimized for mobile devices: Since many users search for information in Micro-Moments on their smartphones, it’s important that your website works well on mobile devices and is easy to navigate.

  • Use targeted ads to reach users in micro-moments: For example, use Google AdWords or social media ads to target users in micro-moments with relevant content.

  • Use long-tail keywords to reach users in micro-moments: Long-tail keywords are specific search terms that users use when looking for specific information. By using long-tail keywords in your content, you can better reach users in micro-moments.

  • Create content that is relevant to Micro-Moments: Make sure your content is relevant to the needs and interests of users in Micro-Moments. These can be instructions, checklists or FAQ pages, for example.

It’s important that you understand the needs and interests of users in Micro-Moments and design your content accordingly. This way, you can reach users at crucial moments and help them make the right decisions.

36 Use mobile-first design to ensure your content looks and works well on mobile devices

Mobile-first design is a design strategy that focuses on designing a website or application for mobile devices. This means that when content is created for the web, care is first taken to ensure that it looks and works well on mobile devices before optimizing it for larger screens.

The benefit of mobile-first design is that it ensures that content is easy to read and use on mobile devices. This is important because more and more people tend to use the Internet through their smartphones, so it is important that the content is displayed well on these devices. Mobile-first design also helps minimize load times for mobile devices and improve user experience.

To leverage mobile-first design, make sure your content is optimized for mobile devices by using responsive web design and ensuring that content is easy to read and use on smaller screens. You should also make sure that loading times for mobile devices are kept as low as possible and that navigation is intuitive for mobile users.

37. use chatbots and other tools to serve users in real time and answer their questions

Chatbots and other tools can be used to serve users in real time and answer their questions. These tools can be used in various areas, such as customer service, marketing or e-commerce.

A chatbot is a computerized system that is capable of having human-like conversations with users. Chatbots can be deployed across multiple channels such as websites, messenger apps, or social networks and can help users get answers to their questions quickly and easily.

Other tools that can serve users in real time and answer their questions include live chat systems or knowledge management systems. Live chat systems allow users to chat directly with an employee or another user, while knowledge management systems provide a collection of information that can help users answer their questions.

The benefit of chatbots and other tools that serve users and answer their questions in real time is that they provide users with quick and easy answers to their questions, giving them a better user experience. They can also help companies improve their customer service and increase customer satisfaction.

38. use long-tail keywords to optimize your content for more specific search queries

Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific search terms that users use when searching the Internet. They are different from short, general keywords that are used frequently and are less specific.

The benefit of long-tail keywords is that they allow content to be optimized for more specific search queries. For example, if you run a dog food website, you could use long-tail keywords like “high-quality dog food for puppies” or “hypoallergenic dog food for sensitive dogs” to optimize content for users searching for specific types of dog food.

Using long-tail keywords can help content be found better in search engines, driving more traffic to the site. It can also help make content more relevant and useful to users by targeting it to specific search queries.

To use long-tail keywords, you should first research what specific keywords are used by users searching for your topic. You can then integrate these terms into your content to optimize it for these search queries. It is important that the long-tail keywords are naturally integrated into the text and not artificially inserted so as not to compromise readability and user experience.

39 Create landing pages that are specifically tailored to your target group

Landing pages are special web pages designed to draw users’ attention to specific offers or promotions. They are often used in marketing campaigns to draw users’ attention to a specific action or product and get them to perform a specific action, such as filling out a form or buying a product.

The benefit of landing pages is that they make it possible to draw users’ attention to specific offers or actions in a targeted manner and to persuade them to take a particular action. They can help users stay longer on the website and thus increase the conversion rate.

To make landing pages successful, it’s important to target them specifically to the audience. This means that you take into account the needs and desires of the target audience and ensure that the landing page is aligned with their interests and needs. This includes, for example, the use of appropriate images and texts that are tailored to the target group, as well as the integration of call-to-action elements that encourage users to take a specific action.

To reach users in micro-moments, it’s important to design your content to be easily accessible and relevant to users. Here are some ways you can use Micro-Moments:

  • Make sure your website and content are optimized for mobile devices: Since many users search for information in Micro-Moments on their smartphones, it’s important that your website works well on mobile devices and is easy to navigate.

  • Use targeted ads to reach users in micro-moments: For example, use Google AdWords or social media ads to target users in micro-moments with relevant content.

  • Use long-tail keywords to reach users in micro-moments: Long-tail keywords are specific search terms that users use when looking for specific information. By using long-tail keywords in your content, you can better reach users in micro-moments.

  • Create content that is relevant to Micro-Moments: Make sure your content is relevant to the needs and interests of users in Micro-Moments. These can be instructions, checklists or FAQ pages, for example.

It’s important that you understand the needs and interests of users in Micro-Moments and design your content accordingly. This way, you can reach users at crucial moments and help them make the right decisions.

40. use forms to get users to contact you

Forms are online forms that users can fill out to contact you. You can use Forms on your website, in emails, or on social media platforms.

To get users to contact you, you can use Forms by:

  • Use a clear call-to-action: Make sure the user immediately knows how to contact you.

  • Use an attractive design: A well-designed form makes it easier for the user to decide to contact you.

  • Convey a clear message: Make sure the user understands why they should contact you and what the benefits will be.

  • Keep the formukar short: Avoid asking the user too many questions, as this may discourage them. Ask only the most important questions to facilitate contact.

  • Use a secure connection: Make sure the form has a secure HTTPS connection to show the user that their data is safe.

41. use landing pages and forms to get users to sign up for demo versions, webinars or other offers

Landing pages and forms are effective tools for getting users to sign up for demos, webinars, or other offers.

To get users to sign up for demos, webinars, or other offers, you can use landing pages and forms by:

  • Use a clear call-to-action: Make sure the user immediately recognizes how to sign up for the offer.

  • Use an attractive design: A well-designed form makes it easier for the user to decide to accept their offer.

  • Convey a clear message: Make sure the user understands why they should sign up for the offer and what the benefits will be for them

  • Keep the formukar short: Avoid asking the user too many questions, as this may discourage them. Ask only the most important questions to facilitate contact.

  • Use a secure connection: Make sure the form has a secure HTTPS connection to show the user that their data is safe.

42. use Google Ads to promote your content in Google’s search results

Google Ads is an advertising program from Google that allows you to promote your content in Google’s search results. This can help more users become aware of your content and get to your website.

To use Google Ads to promote your content in Google search results, you must first create a Google Ads account and then create an advertising campaign. In doing so, you must:

  • Select keywords: Select relevant keywords that users type into the Google search bar when they search for your content.

  • Select a landing page: Select the landing page you want users to go to when they click on your ad.

  • Set a budget: Set a budget that indicates how much money you want to spend on your advertising campaign.

  • Set a target audience: Specify who you want your ad campaign to target, for example, users in a certain region or with certain interests.

Once you have created your ad campaign, your content will appear in Google’s search results when users search for your chosen keywords. You only pay when users click on your ad and go to your landing page.

43 Use content recommendation platforms to present your content to new users

Content recommendation platforms are online services that allow your content to reach new users. These platforms work by sharing your content in recommendations to users who are interested in similar topics.

To get your content to new users using content recommendation platforms, you must first create an account with such a platform and then upload or link to your content. You can then often set preferences to determine which users your content should be recommended to and in what form (e.g., as an article, video, podcast).

Some examples of content recommendation platforms include Outbrain, Taboola, and Adblade. It’s worth comparing different platforms to find the best option for your goals. Note that you usually have to pay to use content recommendation platforms.

It is important that the content you submit is of high quality and relevant and interesting to the users it is recommended to. This way, you can make sure that your content is seen and shared by as many users as possible, which in turn can help your website or blog get more traffic.

44. use email signatures to inform users about your new content

An email signature is a section of text that is automatically appended to the end of every email you send. You can use email signatures to let users know about your new content by including a link to your new content in the signature.

This way, you can alert users that there is new content they can view without having to send a separate email each time.

Email signatures are a great way to regularly update users on new content without them having to be explicitly notified by you.

45. use forum signatures to inform users about your new content

A forum signature is a section of text that automatically appears under each post you make to a forum. You can use forum signatures to let users know about your new content by including a link to your new content in the signature.

This way you can alert users that there is new content they can view without having to publish a separate post each time. Forum signatures are a great way to keep users regularly updated on new content without them having to be explicitly notified by you.

It is important to note that many forums have rules that restrict or prohibit the use of signatures, so you should always check the rules of the forum in question before using forum signatures.

46. use content promotion tools such as Outbrain and Taboola to distribute your content to new users

Content promotion tools like Outbrain and Taboola are platforms that allow you to distribute your content to a wide audience. They offer the possibility of placing advertisements in the form of links to your content on other websites and social networks.

This can help drive more traffic to your website and therefore more users to your content. However, it is important to note that such tools usually come at a cost, and it is important to carefully monitor the effectiveness of the advertising campaign to ensure that it generates a positive ROI (return on investment).

47 Make your content easy to read

It is important that your content is easy to read and understand so that users actually read it and are interested in it.

One way to accomplish this is to use paragraphs and headings. The introduction of paragraphs divides the text into smaller, manageable sections, making it more visually appealing and easier to read.

Headings can help structure the content of an article or page and give it a clear outline. They also serve as a guide for users scanning the text to quickly find the information relevant to them.

This way, you can make your content attractive to users and ensure that they actually read it.

48 Integrate call-to-actions into your content

Call-to-actions (CTAs) are prompts to the user to perform a specific action, such as downloading an e-book or subscribing to a newsletter. CTAs are an important part of marketing strategies as they help increase conversion rates and drive users to desired actions.

To successfully integrate CTAs into your content, it’s important that they are clearly worded and ask the user to perform an action in an unambiguous way. It’s also helpful to place CTAs in prominent places in the text so they are highly visible and easy to find. In addition, you can visually highlight CTAs, for example, by marking them in a different color or with a button. This is an easy way to get users to respond to your CTAs.

49. regularly publish new content to retain your target group and attract new target groups

It is important to publish new content on a regular basis to maintain the attention and interest of your target audience and also to attract new audiences.

By regularly publishing new articles, blog posts, videos, or other content, you show that you’re active and keep offering your readers or viewers new incentives to visit your page or channel. This way you can also gain new followers and increase your visibility on the Internet.

50 Be authentic and honest in your content to gain the trust of your target group

An important rule when creating content is to be authentic and honest. This is especially important when you are trying to gain the trust of your target audience and build a strong relationship with them.

By being authentic, you show your target audience that you are real and true and have nothing to hide. You make your readers or viewers feel that you are genuinely interested in them and committed to their concerns. This way, you can gain the trust of your target audience and build a strong bond.

51 Use ChatGPT to support your content marketing

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help you with content marketing. ChatGPT is a voice-controlled assistant developed by OpenAI that can naturally create human-like texts.

You can use ChatGPT to help you create content for your website, blog, or social media. By using ChatGPT you can quickly and easily generate new ideas and turn them into engaging and informative text.

ChatGPT is also a great way to quickly respond to current events or trends and create relevant content for your audience.

Overall, ChatGPT offers a simple and effective way to assist with content marketing and generate new ideas. Try it out and see how it can help you create high-quality and engaging content.

5 ideas how ChatGPT can help with content marketing

  • Generating ideas: ChatGPT can help you generate new ideas for your content. You can ask ChatGPT a question or give it a specific topic, and it will give you suggestions for possible content.

  • Creating texts: ChatGPT can also help you create texts for your website, blog or social media. You can give ChatGPT a title or heading and it will create you a full article or post.

  • Respond to current events: With ChatGPT, you can quickly respond to current events or trends and create relevant content for your target audience.

  • Improve existing content: ChatGPT can also help you improve existing content by suggesting additional information or customizations.

  • Creating social media posts: ChatGPT can also help you create social media posts by providing you with suggested text or even full posts. You can also use ChatGPT to quickly respond to comments or messages on your social media channels.

52 Use your content to build and maintain relationships with potential customers and business partners

The content you publish can be a powerful tool to build and maintain relationships with potential customers and business partners. By providing high-quality, relevant, and engaging content, you can attract the attention and interest of potential customers and business partners.

An effective way to build relationships with potential customers and business partners is to regularly publish new content that is of interest to them. By providing information that is useful to them, you are showing that you care about their concerns and providing them with valuable information. This way you can gain the trust and loyalty of your potential customers and business partners.

You can also use social media platforms to connect directly with potential customers and business partners and build relationships. By posting regularly and responding to comments and messages from other users, you can attract the attention of potential customers and business partners and build a relationship with them.

Overall, the content you publish is a great way to build and maintain relationships with potential customers and business partners. By providing relevant and engaging content and connecting directly with potential customers and business partners, you can gain the trust and loyalty of these groups and grow your business.

53 Measure and analyze the results of your content marketing

To measure the success of your content marketing, you can use analytics tools like Google Analytics. These tools provide a variety of metrics and reports to help you understand traffic to your site and analyze how users are interacting with your content. You can also monitor your website’s conversion rate to see how many users are actually clicking on your calls-to-action (CTAs) and following your marketing goals.

There are also dedicated analytics tools for social media, such as Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics, that can help you understand and optimize the success of your content on these platforms.

It’s important to regularly review the results of your analytics tools and, based on that, decide what changes you want to make to improve the success of your content marketing. By using analytics tools and regularly reviewing your results, you can ensure that your content marketing is effective and getting the results you want.

54. remain consistent in the creation and publication of content

It’s important to stay consistent in creating and publishing content to retain your audience and attract new audiences. Regularly publishing high-quality and relevant content will help you engage and retain your audience while attracting new users.

Consistent content publishing can also help your brand be perceived as trustworthy and credible, as users know they will keep coming across new and interesting content on your website or social media.

To create and publish consistent content, it’s a good idea to create a content calendar and set fixed publishing times and frequencies. It’s also helpful to think ahead about the type of content you want to create and publish, and how to target it to your audience. This way, you can ensure that your content is consistent and appeals to your target audience.

55. targets the best topics of the competition

It can be useful to look at your competitors’ best topics and target them to grab your audience’s attention and stand out from the competition.

One way to do this is to identify your competitors’ most popular topics and think about how you can approach those topics in a different way to stand out from the competition. For example, you can bring in a new angle or go deeper into the topic to create more value for your audience.

It’s also important to maintain your own style and voice when targeting competitive issues. This way, you can ensure that you stand out from the competition and your brand remains authentic.

Overall, it can be helpful to keep an eye on your competitors’ topics and target them to grab your audience’s attention and stand out from the competition. However, it’s important to maintain your own style and voice and make sure you’re adding value to your audience.

56 Encourage your target group to share your content by integrating share buttons on your website and in your blog posts

It’s important to encourage your audience to share your content to increase your brand’s reach and drive more traffic to your website. One way to do this is to include share buttons on your website and blog posts.

Share buttons are small icons or links that allow users to share your content on social media or other websites. By including share buttons on your website and blog posts, you make it easier for your users to share your content, helping your content to be seen by a wider audience.

It’s also important to encourage your users to share your content by giving them a good reason to do so. Make sure your content is valuable, interesting, and has a clear message or benefit to users. This way, users will be more willing to share your content because they think it might be of interest to their friends or followers.

Overall, it’s important to encourage your audience to share your content to increase your brand’s reach and drive more traffic to your website. By integrating share buttons and creating valuable and interesting content, you can motivate your users to share your content and thus promote your brand.

57 Create sponsored content that is relevant to your target group and that you can distribute on various platforms

Sponsored content is a type of advertising where companies pay to showcase their products or services in the form of editorial content. The content is created by a company and published on a platform owned by the company or on which the company can advertise. The sponsored content should be relevant and interesting for the company’s target group and must not be perceived as a classic commercial.

To successfully create and distribute sponsored content, companies should first define their target audience and understand what type of content is relevant and interesting to them. Then they can design the sponsored content accordingly and distribute it on various platforms, such as their own website, social media, or other websites frequented by the target audience. It is important that the sponsored content is highly visible and that the target audience can easily find it. Companies should also make sure that sponsored content is well integrated and not disruptive.

58 Use email marketing to inform your target group about new content

Email marketing is a very effective way to keep your audience up to date on new content.

Emails allow you to connect directly with your customers and let them know about your latest content. It’s a personalized way of communicating that allows you to target just the right audience. With targeted campaigns and personalized messaging, you can capture the attention of your target audience and increase their interaction with your company. Email marketing is also a cost-effective method that allows you to reach a large number of people with a relatively small amount of effort.

59 Create videos that entertain and inform your target audience and that can be distributed on various platforms

Creating videos is a great way to entertain and inform your audience. By creating interesting and informative content in the form of videos, you can attract the attention of your target audience and make them interested in your company. A well-made video can be distributed on various platforms, such as your own website, social media, or video platforms like YouTube.

On social media like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and others, you can share your videos directly with your target audience and get direct interaction with your customers, which usually brings higher engagement rates and more interactions. Video platforms like YouTube let you host your videos for the long haul, giving you greater reach.

Another option is to host webinars or livestreams, where you can have direct interaction and communication with the target audience and also have the opportunity to get direct feedback.

It is important that the videos are aligned with the interests and needs of your target audience and that they entertain and inform. This will ensure that your target audience watches the video and is interested in your business.

60. create e-books

E-books are a great way to provide your audience with valuable information while demonstrating your expertise.

But before you get started, you should think about what kind of e-book you want to create and who your target audience is. By identifying your target audience and their needs, you can ensure that the e-book is aligned with their interests and gets them to download and read it.

Another important consideration is the subject of the e-book. Make sure the topic is relevant to your target audience and that it adds value to them. It should also be well researched and well written to ensure it is useful to your target audience.

Once you have determined the topic and the target audience, you can start creating the e-book. Use writing software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs to create the content. Make sure the e-book is well structured and easy to read.

Also add images and graphics to make the e-book more appealing.

Once you have created the e-book, you should edit and proofread it to make sure it is error-free.

61 Create In-Depth Guides

In-Depth Guides are a valuable resource for your target audience that will keep them coming back to your website and trusting you. They are in-depth guides that cover a specific topic in detail and take your audience through a process step-by-step.

When creating In-Depth Guides, you should think about what type of guide you want to create and who your target audience is. By identifying your target audience and their needs, you can ensure that the guide is aligned with their interests and gets them to read it.

Another important consideration is the theme of the guide. Make sure the topic is relevant to your target audience and that it adds value to them. It should also be well researched and well written to ensure it is useful to your target audience.

Once you have determined the topic and the target audience, you can start creating the guide. Structure your guide well so that it is easy to read and understand. Use headings, subheadings, and bullets to organize the content.

Also add images and graphics to make the guide more appealing.

Once you have created the guide, you should edit and proofread it to make sure it is error-free.

Once the guide is ready, you can publish it on your website or offer it as a PDF download. Don’t forget to promote the guide on social media and in your email marketing to make sure your audience hears about it.

Create In-Depth Guides can be a great way to provide your audience with valuable information while demonstrating your expertise

62. create how-tos

“How-tos” or guides are a great way to add value to your audience and position yourself as an expert in your field. They offer practical solutions to specific problems and are often in great demand. Here are some reasons and tips on how you can use “how-tos” in your content marketing:

  1. Practical benefits: “How-tos” offer direct benefits for your target group by answering specific questions and solving problems.
  2. Positioning as an expert: By providing helpful instructions, you can establish yourself as an industry expert.
  3. SEO benefits: Guides to frequently asked questions can increase your visibility in search engines.
  4. Increased engagement rates: Practical how-to guides can increase time spent on your website and encourage interaction.

How to create effective how-tos:

  1. Understanding your target group: Understand the needs and challenges of your target group. What questions do they have? What problems would you like to solve?
  2. Clear structure: Every guide should have a clear structure: Introduction, materials or tools required, step-by-step instructions and conclusion.
  3. Visual elements: Use images, diagrams or videos to illustrate your instructions. This can make it easier to understand and make the content more appealing.
  4. Simple language: Avoid technical jargon and write in clear, understandable language.
  5. Obtain feedback: Before you publish your guide, have a few people from your target group read it. This can help you to identify ambiguities and improve the content.
  6. Update regularly: technologies, trends and best practices change. Make sure that your instructions remain up to date.
  7. Encourage interaction: Encourage your readers to ask questions, give feedback or share their own tips and tricks.

Remember that the main purpose of a “how-to” is to help your audience. It should always be clear, precise and to the point. If you take this to heart, “how-tos” can be a powerful tool in your content marketing strategy.

63. create interesting maps

Maps are a visual medium that is often underestimated when it comes to content marketing. However, they can present a wealth of information in an appealing and easy-to-understand way. Here are some reasons and tips on how you can use maps in your content marketing:

  1. Visual appeal: Maps are visually appealing and can present complex data and information in a simple format.
  2. Geographical context: They provide a geographical context that is particularly useful if you want to present regional data or trends.
  3. Interactivity: Modern digital maps can be designed interactively so that users can zoom, click and call up further information.
  4. Shareability: Unique and interesting cards are often shared on social media, which increases reach.

How to create interesting maps:

  1. Define goal and purpose: Think about what you want to convey with your card. Would you like to show sales figures by region? Or perhaps tourist hotspots?
  2. Collect data: Collect all the necessary data that you want to display on the map.
  3. Select tools: There are many tools and software solutions that you can use to create digital maps, e.g. Google Maps, Mapbox or QGIS.
  4. Design: Pay attention to a clear and appealing design. Use colors and symbols that are easy to understand.
  5. Add interactive elements: Consider whether you want to add interactive elements such as pop-ups, links or zoom functions.
  6. Testing: Before you publish your map, test it to make sure it looks good on different devices and screen sizes.
  7. Share and promote: Publish your card on your website, in blog posts or share it on social media.

Cards are a versatile tool in content marketing. They can not only display geographical information, but also tell stories, show trends and make complex data accessible.

With a little creativity and planning, you can use cards to take your content marketing to the next level.

visit Europe

Example: The map of the most popular travel destinations in Europe

Introduction: Europe is a continent rich in culture, history and breathtaking landscapes. But which destinations are the most popular with tourists? Our interactive map shows the top travel destinations in Europe based on annual visitor numbers.

Data collection: By analyzing tourism statistics, hotel bookings and flight data, we have compiled a list of the most visited cities and regions in Europe.

Creating the map: With the help of Mapbox, we have created a digital map that marks each city or region with a symbol. The size of the symbol represents the number of visitors.

Interactive elements: When users hover over an icon, a pop-up window appears with detailed information about the destination, including the exact number of visitors, main attractions and a link to a detailed travel guide.

Design: We have opted for a minimalist design, with soft colors and clear symbols to ensure that the card is easy to read and understand.

Publication and promotion: The map was published in a blog post on our travel website and shared on our social media channels. It received a high interaction rate and was shared by many other travel blogs and websites.

In this example, we created an interactive map that not only provides valuable information for travelers, but also encourages engagement and interaction on the website. The map serves as a visual aid that presents complex data in a simple and appealing format, providing users with real added value.

64. create plugins

Creating plugins can be an effective way to strengthen your brand, provide added value and increase your online presence. However, it also requires expertise, time and commitment to ensure that the plugin meets the needs of your target group and is of high quality. If you are willing to invest in this process, it can be a rewarding content marketing strategy.

  1. Added value for your target group: A well-designed plugin can offer real added value for your users by solving specific problems or improving their online experience.
  2. Increased visibility: If your plugin is useful and popular, it is likely to be shared on various platforms and industry forums, resulting in more traffic and exposure.
  3. Positioning as an industry expert: A high-quality plugin can strengthen your credibility in your industry and position you as an expert in your field.
  4. Monetization options: While many plugins are offered free of charge, there are also opportunities for monetization, e.g. through premium versions or additional services.
  5. Long-term customer loyalty: A useful plugin can lead to users returning to your website again and again, which increases customer loyalty.
  6. Feedback and interaction: Plugins offer an excellent opportunity to receive feedback from your target group. Users can make suggestions for improvement, which leads to greater interaction and loyalty.

65. make interesting or controversial predictions

Sharing predictions, especially if they are interesting or controversial, can be an effective way to attract attention and stimulate discussion. Here are some reasons why sharing predictions can be useful in your content marketing:

  1. Attracting attention: Controversial or unexpected predictions can trigger viral effects as people share, discuss and debate them.
  2. Position yourself as an industry expert: If you make well-founded predictions, you can position yourself as a thought leader and expert in your field.
  3. Stimulate discussion: Controversial topics often lead to lively discussions, which can increase interaction and engagement on your website or social media.
  4. Increase return rate: Readers may be inclined to return to your content to see if your predictions have come true or to gain further insights.
  5. Differentiation from the competition: By sharing unique and well-founded predictions, you can stand out from the crowd.

Tips for sharing predictions:

  • Be well informed: Make sure your predictions are based on solid research and knowledge.
  • Stay objective: Even though it can be tempting to make extremely controversial predictions, it is important to remain authentic and honest.
  • Be prepared for backlash: Controversial predictions can provoke strong opinions. Be prepared to respond constructively to criticism.
  • Review your predictions: After a while, it can be interesting to look back and analyze which of your predictions were correct and which were not.

66. do fact checks

Creating fact-check content can help your audience distinguish myths from facts and navigate a world full of disinformation. Here are some reasons and tips on why and how you should use fact checks as standalone content:

  1. Need for clear information: At a time when fake news and misinformation are rife, people are actively looking for reliable sources to verify claims and find out the truth.
  2. Positioning as a trusted source: By regularly publishing fact-check content, you can establish yourself as a trusted source of information and stand out from other content.
  3. Increased engagement: Fact check articles are often shared and commented on as they uncover myths and bring clarity to controversial topics.

Tips for effective fact check content:

  • Choose relevant topics: Focus on current topics or common myths that might interest your audience.
  • Be thorough: Make sure you investigate all aspects of an allegation and present all available evidence.
  • Use clear and understandable language: Your goal is to create clarity, so avoid jargon and complicated explanations.
  • Visualize your results: Graphs, charts and other visual elements can help to present your results clearly and attractively.
  • Offer sources: Show your audience where you got your information so that they can understand your findings and do further research.

67. use a personal profile for your contributions

A personal profile can give your content a human touch and strengthen the bond with your audience. Here are some reasons and tips on why and how you should use a personal profile for your posts:

  1. Building trust: People trust people. A post with a personal profile gives your content a face and creates a deeper connection with your readers.
  2. Increasing credibility: A personal profile, especially if it is linked to qualifications or experience in a particular field, can increase the credibility and authority of your content.
  3. Encourage interaction: Readers are more likely to respond to or share a post if they feel they are interacting with a real person and not just an anonymous online presence.

Tips for using a personal profile:

  • Authenticity is the key: be genuine and honest in your profile. Avoid pretending to be someone else or exaggerating qualifications.
  • Add a photo: A professional and friendly photo can enhance the human connection with your readers.
  • Share your story: A short paragraph about your background, interests or why you’re writing about a particular topic can help create a deeper connection with your audience.
  • Stay consistent: If you use multiple platforms, try to use the same profile picture and information everywhere to promote recognition and trust.

The role of the author as a reliable source of content

Long before the introduction of (E-)E-A-T, Google was already making efforts to include the evaluation of sources in its search rankings. For example, the Vince update from 2009 gave content created by brands an advantage in the ranking.

With projects such as Knol or Google+, which have since been discontinued, Google aimed to collect rating signals for authors, for example through social networks and user ratings.

Over the past two decades, various Google patents have either directly or indirectly referred to content platforms such as Knol or social networks such as Google+.

It is essential to evaluate the origin or author of content according to the E-E-A-T criteria. This is a decisive step towards continuously improving the quality of search results.

At a time when content is increasingly generated by AI and classic spam is omnipresent, it would be counterproductive for Google to consider low-quality content in the search index.

The more content Google has to index and process during data retrieval, the more computing capacity is required.

E-E-A-T allows Google to rank more comprehensively based on the entity, domain and author level without having to crawl every single piece of content.

At this higher level, content can be categorized according to its source of origin and assigned a corresponding crawl budget. Google can also use this strategy to exclude certain content categories from indexing.

68. look at your industry from new angles when creating content

It’s important to include fresh angles when creating content to engage and excite your audience. Look at your industry from different perspectives and try to find new and interesting angles that will make your content exciting and unique.

One way to incorporate new angles is to stand out from the competition and differentiate yourself from other companies in your industry. You can also try to look at your content from your customer’s perspective and consider what questions or problems they might have that you can answer or solve in your content.

It can also be helpful to reach out to experts in your industry and incorporate their assessments and experiences into your content. This way, you can not only include new perspectives, but also increase the credibility and authority of your content.

Overall, it’s important to think creatively and incorporate new angles when creating content to engage your audience and set your content apart from the competition.

69. use sponsoring

Content marketing sponsorships offer a unique opportunity to effectively position a brand and spread a message in a digital environment that is flooded with content.

  1. Increased visibility: By sponsoring high-quality content, a brand can stand out in a crowded digital space and differentiate itself from the competition.
  2. Positive associations: Associating a brand with valuable, informative or entertaining content can lead to the audience perceiving and trusting that brand positively.
  3. Access to specialized target groups: Content marketing is often aimed at specific niches or interest groups. Through sponsoring, a brand can specifically address these specialized target groups.
  4. Long-term customer loyalty: High-quality content supported by sponsorship can help build a loyal reader or viewer base that regularly returns to the content.
  5. Expanding content reach: Sponsorship allows the sponsored content to be distributed beyond the usual channels, be it through joint promotions, events or other marketing activities.
  6. Mutual added value: In content marketing, sponsorship offers more than just financial benefits. The sponsored content creator benefits from the sponsor’s support and resources, while the sponsor benefits from the authenticity and credibility of the content.

70. report on relevant tools

New tools and technologies appear practically every day. For many, it is a challenge to keep up and identify the best tools for their needs. This is a golden opportunity for content marketers.

Why report on relevant tools?

  1. Position yourself as an industry expert: By sharing knowledge of the latest and most effective tools, you can establish yourself as a trusted source of information in your field.
  2. Value for your target group: By informing your target group about tools that can make their work or daily life easier, you offer them direct added value.
  3. Increased interaction: People are always looking for ways to optimize processes. Content that offers such solutions is often shared, commented on and discussed.

How to report effectively on tools?

  • Practical evaluations: Don’t just present a list of tools, share your own experiences. What worked? Where were there challenges?
  • Comparative analyses: Compare similar tools and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
  • Instructions and tutorials: Show your target group how they can get the best out of a particular tool, be it through written instructions, videos or webinars.
  • Updates and news: Stay up to date on updates or new functions of popular tools and inform your readers promptly.

Conclusion: Reporting on relevant tools is not only a way to position yourself as an expert in a particular field, but also an opportunity to offer real value and deepen the bond with your target group. In a world where efficiency and optimization are paramount, the right reference to a useful tool can make a big difference. Take advantage of this opportunity and enrich your content offering.

71. create case studies

Case studies are detailed analyses of real projects or experiences that show how a company has helped a customer solve a specific problem. They are a powerful tool in content marketing as they provide concrete examples of the value and effectiveness of your products or services. Here are some tips on how you can use case studies effectively in your content marketing:

  1. Targeted selection: Select projects or experiences that reflect the diversity of your services and the breadth of your target groups.
  2. Structure and clarity: A well-structured case study should contain a clear introduction, challenge, solution and results. This makes it easier for the reader to understand and comprehend.
  3. Visual elements: Integrate images, graphics or even videos to make your case study more appealing and complex information easier to understand.
  4. Customer testimonials: Quotes or testimonials from the customer can increase the credibility of your case study and add a personal touch.
  5. Measurable results: Emphasize concrete, quantifiable results to show the real value you’ve brought to your client.
  6. Share your case studies: Use various channels such as your website, social media, email newsletters and more to share your case studies with a wider audience.
  7. Topicality: Keep your case studies up to date and revise them regularly to add new developments or results.
  8. Call-to-action: At the end of each case study, you should have a clear call-to-action that prompts the reader to get in touch, find out more or perform another desired action.

By creating case studies, you can not only tell potential customers, but also show them how you solve problems and create value. They are a great way to showcase your expertise, commitment and results.

72. create statistics

Statistics are a powerful tool in content marketing. They not only offer added value for your target group, but also position you as an expert in your field. Here are some reasons why and how you should use statistics in your content marketing:

  1. Credibility and trust: Figures and data convey credibility. If you back up your statements with solid statistics, your content will be perceived as more trustworthy and reliable.
  2. Shareable content: Infographics with interesting statistics are often very shareable and can create viral effects on social media.
  3. Simplify complex topics: Statistics can help to break down complex topics into easily understandable information.
  4. Position yourself as an industry expert: By regularly sharing relevant statistics, you can position yourself as an expert in the industry.

This is how you proceed:

  1. Research: Start with thorough research. Use trustworthy sources and make sure that the data is up-to-date.
  2. Visualization: Think about the best way to present the data. Infographics, diagrams and charts are particularly effective.
  3. Context: Always give your statistics a context. Explain why they are relevant and what they mean for your target group.
  4. Update: The world is constantly changing. Update your statistics regularly to ensure that your content is always up to date.
  5. Share: Spread your statistics through various channels – from your blog to social media to email newsletters.

Remember that statistics alone are not enough. They should always be in the context of your overall content and offer added value for your readers. Use them as a tool to reinforce your message and strengthen your brand.

73 Deliver captivating content

Even if you want your content to show, explain, or teach your audience something, it doesn’t hurt to be entertaining in the process. Let’s say you run a blog about tax law. Normally, the subject is considered very dry and complicated. Many people find it boring and difficult to understand. But with a creative approach, you can also communicate tax topics in an entertaining way.


Imagine you want to explain to your readers how to complete their tax return efficiently. Instead of just presenting boring instructions and regulations, you could tell a story. You could introduce a fictional character named Max Steuerfuchs, who discovers tax return tips and tricks on his adventurous journey through the financial maze. You could include humorous dialogues between Max and his tax advisor, explaining the different aspects of tax returns in a fun and descriptive way.

By taking an entertaining approach, you will pique your readers’ interest and make the topic more accessible. They make it less intimidating and boring. By combining informative content with entertainment, you create an inviting atmosphere where your readers are eager to learn more about the topic.

In short, even dry topics like tax law can be presented in an exciting and engaging way with a creative and entertaining approach. By combining useful information with a dash of humor or an interesting story, you can captivate your audience and effectively deliver your content.

74. offer entertaining content

To stand out from the crowd, it is often not enough to simply offer informative content. Entertaining content can increase the engagement of your target group and encourage them to stay on your platform for longer.

Here are some tips on how you can integrate entertaining content into your content marketing:

  1. Know your target group: To be entertaining, you need to know what appeals to your target group. Research their likes, interests and humor to create content they’ll really enjoy.
  2. Use stories: Storytelling is a powerful technique to evoke emotions and convey your message in a compelling way.
  3. Integrate multimedia: Videos, GIFs, infographics and interactive elements can breathe life into your content and make it more entertaining.
  4. Be creative with formats: Experiment with quizzes, games, surveys or interactive stories to engage and entertain your target audience.
  5. Humor is worth its weight in gold: A well-placed joke or humorous anecdote can work wonders to capture your reader’s attention. But be careful and make sure the humor is not offensive or inappropriate.
  6. Stay authentic: Don’t try to be something you are not. Your target group will appreciate it if you are genuine and authentic.
  7. Encourage interaction: Encourage your target group to leave comments, ask questions or share your content. This can not only be entertaining, but also promote a sense of community.
  8. Update regularly: The digital world is constantly changing. What is entertaining today could be outdated tomorrow. Stay up to date and update your content regularly.

Entertaining content can not only help to make your brand more likeable and accessible, but also increase engagement and retention among your target audience. Use the power of entertainment to take your content marketing strategy to the next level!

75. do interviews with interesting people from your industry

Interviews are an excellent way to create valuable and authentic content. Not only do they offer insights into the thoughts and experiences of industry experts, but they can also boost your credibility and authority in your field. Here are some tips on how you can integrate interviews into your content marketing:

  1. Choose relevant guests: Identify personalities in your industry who are influential, have interesting stories to tell or can offer unique perspectives.
  2. Preparation is key: research your interviewee and the topic thoroughly in advance in order to ask informed questions and have an in-depth conversation.
  3. Use different formats: Interviews can be presented as articles, podcasts, videos or live streams. Choose the format that best suits your target group and your content.
  4. Encourage conversation: A good interview should feel like a conversation and not like an interrogation. Encourage your guest to tell stories and share their opinions and experiences.
  5. Share highlights: Use quotes or interesting excerpts from the interview to create teasers for social media or other marketing channels.
  6. Be authentic: A genuine, unscripted interview will often go down better than an overly staged or filtered conversation.
  7. Offer added value: Make sure your interview offers useful information, tips or insights that are of value to your target audience.
  8. Promote and share the interview: Use all your marketing channels to promote the interview and ensure it gets a wide reach.

Interviews with industry experts can add depth, relevance and authority to your content. They offer a great opportunity to build relationships in your industry while providing valuable content for your target audience. Take advantage of this opportunity and integrate interviews into your content marketing strategy!

76. make your content shareable

If your content is easily shareable, it can quickly go viral and achieve a much greater reach than you could on your own. Here are some tips to make your content more shareable:

  1. High-quality content: Before people share your content, they have to like it. Make sure your content is informative, relevant and engaging.
  2. Simple share buttons: Integrate visible and easily accessible share buttons for various social media directly into your content.
  3. Optimize for mobile devices: Many users consume and share content via their mobile devices. Make sure your content looks and works well on smartphones and tablets.
  4. Use appealing visuals: Images, infographics and videos can attract users’ attention and increase the likelihood that they will share your content.
  5. Create part-specific headlines: A captivating headline can make the difference between someone sharing your article or not.
  6. Encourage interaction: Actively encourage your readers to share the content by including a call to share at the end of an article or video.
  7. Offer added value: People share content that they find valuable. Whether it’s useful tips, inspiring stories or entertaining content, offer something worth sharing.
  8. Be current and relevant: Current topics or trending topics have a higher chance of being shared because they are relevant to users at the moment.
  9. Build a community: If you have an engaged community that values your content, they will be more likely to help spread it.
  10. Measure and adjust: Use analytics tools to track what content is shared most and adjust your strategy accordingly.

By making your content shareable, you use the potential of social media and digital word of mouth to increase your reach and spread your message. It’s a simple but effective way to take your content marketing to the next level.

77 Produce long articles with detailed added value

Long, detailed articles can be a key element in your content marketing strategy. Not only do you offer in-depth insights into a topic, but you can also demonstrate your expertise and strengthen the trust of your readers.

Here are tips for creating effective, detailed articles:

  1. Research is crucial: A long article should be well researched. Use reliable sources and provide well-founded information to offer your readers real added value.
  2. Structure your content: A long article can seem overwhelming if it is not well structured. Use headings, subheadings and lists to make the content clear and easy to digest.
  3. Use visuals: Images, graphics and infographics can help to break up the text and make complex information easier to understand.
  4. Offer practical tips: In addition to theoretical information, you should provide practical advice and recommendations for action to help your readers apply what they have learned.
  5. Quote experts: Including quotes or opinions from industry experts can increase the credibility of your article.
  6. Optimize for SEO: Long articles offer a great opportunity to integrate different keywords and improve your visibility in search engines.
  7. Encourage interaction: Encourage your readers to leave comments or ask questions at the end of the article. This can increase the time spent on your site and encourage discussion.
  8. Update regularly: The information in your article should remain current and relevant. Plan regular revisions to add new developments or insights.
  9. Divide the article into sections: If the article is very long, consider dividing it into several parts or a series of articles.
  10. Promotion is key: a detailed, long article deserves to be seen. Use your marketing channels to promote it and achieve a wider reach.

Long, detailed articles can establish your authority on a particular topic and allow your target audience to dive deeper into the content. When done right, they can be a powerful tool in your content marketing arsenal.

78 Invest time in the distribution of your content

Creating high-quality content is only half the battle. Without an effective distribution strategy, your content will not achieve the desired effect.

Therefore, invest just as much time and energy in promoting your content as you do in creating it.

  1. Use social media: Share your content on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Adapt the content to the respective platform and use relevant hashtags.
  2. Email marketing: Send regular newsletters to your subscribers and integrate your latest content into them.
  3. Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your content for search engines to generate organic traffic.
  4. Guest posts: Write articles for other blogs or websites in your industry. This can extend your reach and appeal to new target groups.
  5. Networking: Build relationships with influencers and other players in your industry. They can help you share your content and achieve a greater reach.
  6. Share several times: Share your content several times at different times and days to reach different target groups.
  7. Use paid advertising: Invest in paid advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads to promote your content in a targeted manner.
  8. Interactive content: Create content that encourages users to interact, such as surveys, quizzes or competitions. This can increase the likelihood that they will be shared.
  9. Obtain feedback: Ask your community what they think of your content and what topics interest them. This can help you to better target future content and strengthen the bond with your target group.
  10. Analyze and adapt: Use analytics tools to track which distribution methods are most effective and adjust your strategy accordingly.

79. be opinionated

By being opinionated, you can build a deeper connection with your target audience and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

It takes courage, but the rewards in terms of engagement, trust and brand loyalty can be significant.

  1. Find your niche: Before you express your opinion, you should know exactly what topics and values you and your company stand for.
  2. Be authentic: only express opinions that you really stand behind. Readers quickly recognize when something is not authentic.
  3. Give reasons for your opinion: It is not enough to simply have an opinion. Back up your views with facts, studies and concrete examples.
  4. Be respectful: Being opinionated does not mean belittling other opinions. Be open to discussion and treat people with different opinions with respect.
  5. Be prepared for headwinds: If you have a clear opinion, not everyone will agree. Be ready for criticism and deal with it constructively.
  6. Encourage dialog: Encourage your readers to share their own opinions and thoughts. This can lead to interesting discussions and a deeper understanding of the topic.
  7. Stay informed: Opinions can change, especially when new information or perspectives emerge. Always stay up to date and adjust your views if necessary.
  8. Use different formats: Express your opinion not only in blog posts, but also in videos, podcasts or discussion groups.
  9. Be consistent: If you stand for certain values or views, these should be expressed consistently in all your content.
  10. Listen: Take feedback seriously and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

80 Manage a content portfolio

Effective content marketing requires more than just the occasional publication of articles or videos.

It is helpful to think of your content as a portfolio in which different content fulfills different purposes and appeals to different target groups.

  1. Diversify your content: As with a financial portfolio, you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. Create a mix of blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, webinars and other formats.
  2. Know your target groups: Different content appeals to different target groups. Segment your target group and create specific content for each group.
  3. Check and update regularly: Some content may be out of date. Review your portfolio regularly and update content if necessary.
  4. Measurement and analysis: Use analytics tools to understand what content works best and what adjustments are needed.
  5. Plan ahead: Create a content calendar to ensure that you publish content regularly and consistently.
  6. Use user-generated content: Involve your community by encouraging them to create and share their own content.
  7. Experiment: Be open to trying out new formats or platforms and observe how your audience reacts to them.
  8. Quality over quantity: It is better to have less high-quality content than a lot of low-quality content. Invest time and resources in the creation of high-quality content.
  9. Integrate SEO: Make sure your content is optimized for search engines to increase its visibility and reach.
  10. Stay flexible: The digital landscape is constantly changing. Be ready to adapt your portfolio to respond to new trends or changes in your industry.

A well-managed content portfolio can help you achieve your marketing goals more effectively by ensuring you always have the right content for the right audience at the right time. It requires planning and strategy, but the results are worth it.

81 Create content hubs

Content hubs are centralized areas for content on a specific topic or category. They provide readers with an in-depth resource on a specific area of interest and can turn your website into a go-to destination for specific information.

  1. Choose your topic carefully: The hub should focus on a core topic that is relevant and interesting for your target group and fits your business.
  2. Structure is key: Organize your hub so that users can easily find what they are looking for. This could be achieved through categories, tags or a search function.
  3. Provide depth: A hub should offer a mix of content formats, such as articles, videos, infographics and e-books, to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  4. Timeliness is important: A content hub should be regularly updated with new information to maintain its relevance and value to readers.
  5. Encourage interaction: Encourage readers to leave comments, ask questions or share the content to build a community around your hub.
  6. Optimize for SEO: A well-structured and high-quality content hub can significantly improve your SEO efforts. Make sure your hub is optimized for relevant keywords.
  7. Link internally: Use your hub to link to other relevant content on your website to increase dwell time and user engagement.
  8. Promotion: Promote your content hub via your marketing channels to increase its visibility and reach.
  9. Measurement and analysis: Use analysis tools to measure the success of your hub and find out which content is best received.
  10. Stay flexible: The needs and interests of your target group can change over time. Be prepared to adapt your hub accordingly.

A well-designed content hub can cement your position as an industry expert while increasing traffic and engagement on your website. It is an investment in quality and depth that can pay off in the long term.

82 Identify your target audience and create videos that match their interests and needs

  1. Choose your topic carefully: The hub should focus on a core topic that is relevant and interesting for your target group and fits your business.
  2. Structure is key: Organize your hub so that users can easily find what they are looking for. This could be achieved through categories, tags or a search function.
  3. Provide depth: A hub should offer a mix of content formats, such as articles, videos, infographics and e-books, to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  4. Timeliness is important: A content hub should be regularly updated with new information to maintain its relevance and value to readers.
  5. Encourage interaction: Encourage readers to leave comments, ask questions or share the content to build a community around your hub.
  6. Optimize for SEO: A well-structured and high-quality content hub can significantly improve your SEO efforts. Make sure your hub is optimized for relevant keywords.
  7. Link internally: Use your hub to link to other relevant content on your website to increase dwell time and user engagement.
  8. Promotion: Promote your content hub via your marketing channels to increase its visibility and reach.
  9. Measurement and analysis: Use analysis tools to measure the success of your hub and find out which content is best received.
  10. Stay flexible: The needs and interests of your target group can change over time. Be prepared to adapt your hub accordingly.

A well-designed content hub can cement your position as an industry expert while increasing traffic and engagement on your website.

83. explore niche topics

By exploring niche topics, you can position yourself as an expert in a specific area and build a closer relationship with a specialized target group. It’s an effective way to get noticed in today’s content-flooded world.

  1. Research is the key: use tools such as Google Trends, keyword planners or industry forums to find out which specific topics are current in your industry but not yet covered in excess.
  2. Understand your target group: To identify relevant niche topics, you need to know exactly what interests your target group and what questions they have.
  3. Be a pioneer: Instead of following the main trends, try to identify topics that could become relevant in the future and position yourself as a pioneer in this area.
  4. Offer depth: Niche topics often offer the opportunity to dive deeper into a specific topic and create more detailed and higher quality content.
  5. Use experts: Interview professionals or industry insiders to get unique insights and opinions on your niche topic.
  6. Encourage the community: Create discussion forums or groups around your niche topic to build an engaged community.
  7. Optimize for SEO: Since niche topics are often less competitive, they can provide a great opportunity to rank better in search engines.
  8. Share your knowledge: Offer webinars, workshops or online courses on your niche topic to demonstrate your expertise and further educate your target audience.
  9. Stay on the ball: niches can develop and change. Always stay up to date and adapt your content accordingly.
  10. Use feedback: Listen to your community’s feedback to understand which aspects of the niche topic are particularly relevant or interesting.

84 Optimize your videos for search engines

By optimizing your videos for search engines, you ensure that your content gets the recognition and visibility it deserves. Take this decisive step and let your videos shine!

Why shouldn’t you miss this step?

  1. Videos are the new trend: the statistics don’t lie – videos are the preferred format of many Internet users. However, if your video is not optimized for search engines, it could get lost in the crowd.
  2. Increased visibility: A video optimized for search engines has a much higher chance of being seen by your target group. This means more clicks, more engagement and ultimately more conversions.
  3. Build authority: A top ranking in search results gives your brand credibility and authority in your field.

How do you go about it?

  • Use relevant keywords: Research which terms your target group searches for and integrate them into the title, description and tags of your video.
  • High-quality content counts: A high-quality video that offers added value is more likely to be shared, liked and commented on – all signals that search engines love.
  • Add subtitles: Subtitles not only improve the user experience, but also provide additional text that search engines can crawl.
  • Use an appealing preview graphic: An appealing thumbnail can significantly increase the click-through rate of your video.

85 Promote your videos

Videos are a powerful tool in content marketing as they often achieve more engagement and interaction than other content formats. But even the best video will have little effect if it is not seen.

Here are the most important tips on how to promote your videos effectively:

  1. Use social media: Share your videos on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Each platform has its own best practices for video, so customize your promotion accordingly.
  2. Integrate videos into your blog: Incorporate videos into relevant blog posts to enhance the content and increase visitor dwell time.
  3. Email marketing: Share your videos in newsletters or special email campaigns with your subscriber list.
  4. YouTube optimization: When you upload your videos to YouTube, optimize the title, description and tags for SEO to increase visibility in search results.
  5. Paid advertising: Use paid advertising options such as Facebook Video Ads or YouTube TrueView to achieve a larger and more targeted reach.
  6. Collaborations and partnerships: Work with influencers, bloggers or other companies to present your videos to a wider audience.
  7. Teasers and snippets: Create short excerpts or teasers of your videos and share them on social media to arouse curiosity.
  8. Encourage interaction: Encourage viewers to leave comments, share and like the video. A high level of interaction can increase the visibility of the video in social media algorithms.
  9. Embedding on your website: Use video landing pages or embed videos in relevant areas of your website to increase traffic and engagement.
  10. Use feedback: Listen to your community’s feedback and use it to improve future video content and promotion strategies.

Promoting your videos is crucial to ensure that your content reaches the desired audience and achieves maximum impact. With a well thought-out promotion strategy, you can exploit the full potential of your video content

86. use eye-catching visuals and graphics to capture the attention of your viewers

Because users are confronted with a flood of information every day, eye-catching visuals and graphics are crucial to stand out from the crowd.

Here are some tips on how to use visual elements effectively in your content marketing:

  1. Quality over quantity: Invest in high-quality graphics that look professional and appealing. A poorly designed image can often do more harm than good.
  2. Adapt to your brand: Visuals should be consistent with your brand image and colors to create recognition.
  3. Use infographics: Complex information can be simplified and presented in a visually appealing way using infographics.
  4. Diversify your visuals: Use a mix of images, graphics, GIFs and videos to provide variety and appeal to different audiences.
  5. Optimize for different platforms: An image that looks great on one platform may not work on another. Customize your graphics to the specific requirements of each platform.
  6. Add call-to-actions: An eye-catching image can be the perfect opportunity to add a strong call-to-action and get users to interact.
  7. Use original images: Wherever possible, avoid stock photos and invest in your own photo shoots or custom graphics.
  8. Pay attention to image rights: Make sure that you have the rights to all images and graphics that you use to avoid legal problems.
  9. Test and adapt: Use A/B testing to find out which type of visuals resonate best with your target audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  10. Tell a story: Use visual elements to tell a story and create an emotional connection with your audience.

Eye-catching visuals and graphics can capture the attention of your viewers, increase dwell time and enhance the overall impact of your content.

It is worth investing in high-quality visual content and using it strategically in your content marketing.

87 Use AI to scale your content marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a wealth of opportunities to revolutionize content marketing and take it to a new level. By using AI, companies can design, personalize and scale their marketing strategies more efficiently. Here are some reasons and ways you can use AI in your content marketing:

  1. Automated content production: AI tools can help generate content based on data and algorithms. This can be particularly useful for creating standardized reports or news updates.
  2. Personalization: AI can analyze the behavior and preferences of your target group and thus help to create personalized content for different segments of your target group.
  3. Content optimization: By analyzing data, AI can make recommendations for keywords, headlines and other content elements that perform best.
  4. Chatbots and virtual assistants: These can answer customer queries around the clock, allowing you to ensure constant interaction with your target group.
  5. Trend analysis: AI can help identify emerging trends in real time so you can keep your finger on the pulse and produce relevant content.

How to use AI in content marketing:

  1. Research AI tools: There are many tools and platforms that offer AI for content marketing. Do your research and choose the ones that best suit your needs.
  2. Data integration: Make sure you have access to high-quality data, as AI models depend on the quality of the data they are fed with.
  3. Test and adapt: As with any technology, it is important to test and adapt regularly. Monitor the performance of your AI tools and make adjustments if necessary.
  4. Training: Invest in training your team to ensure everyone can take full advantage of AI.
  5. Ethics and data protection: Always observe ethical guidelines and data protection regulations when using AI in your marketing.

Remember that AI is a tool that should complement your content marketing, not replace it. The human touch and creativity are still essential for creating authentic and effective content. Use AI to automate and optimize processes, but never lose sight of the human aspect.

88. report failures

Because perfection is often seen as the benchmark, it may seem counterintuitive to talk about failures. But it is precisely in this seemingly flawless world that the true value lies in showing authenticity. Why? Because real stories, real experiences and real mistakes make us human. They form the bridge between us and our customers, partners and followers.

Imagine walking into a room full of people who all claim to have never made a mistake. How long would you want to stay? Would you trust these people? Probably not. Because deep down, we know that mistakes are part of life. They shape us, teach us and enable us to grow.

By sharing your fails, you send a clear message: “We are like you. We are real. We are constantly learning and growing.” This not only builds trust, but also respect. It shows that you have the courage to face up to your mistakes, learn from them and get better.

Sharing bugs is also a great opportunity for interaction. It opens up a dialog in which others can share their own experiences. This promotes community and cohesion. It shows that we are all in this human adventure together, constantly learning, constantly growing.

So, instead of hiding your mistakes, celebrate them. Use it as a springboard for growth and as a tool to strengthen your relationships. In a world starved for authenticity, your willingness to be real could be the very thing that sets you apart from the crowd. Be brave, be real, be yourself. It is worth it.

89. use storytelling with data

Data alone can be dry and difficult to understand. But when they are embedded in a story, they can come to life and create a deeper connection with your audience. Storytelling with data combines the best of both worlds: the factual basis of data and the emotional appeal of stories. Here are some reasons why and how you should use storytelling with data in your content marketing:

  1. Emotional connection: Stories appeal to our emotions and make data more human and tangible. They help to create an emotional connection with your audience.
  2. Memorability: People remember stories rather than pure data. A well-told story can leave a lasting impression.
  3. Reduce complexity: By embedding data in a story, complex information can be presented in an understandable format.
  4. Increase credibility: Data supports your story with facts and thus increases your credibility.

This is how you proceed:

  1. Understanding your target group: Understand who your target group is and what interests them. This will help you to tell relevant stories.
  2. Select data: Choose data that supports your story and is relevant to your target audience.
  3. Create a narrative: Build a narrative around your data. Start with an introduction, present the data and finish with a conclusion or call to action.
  4. Visualization: Use graphs, charts and infographics to visually represent your data and support your story.
  5. Provide context: Make sure your data is in the context of your story. Explain why they are important and what they mean.
  6. Get feedback: Before you publish your story, get feedback from colleagues or a test group to make sure your message is clear and effective.

Remember that the goal of storytelling with data is not only to present information, but also to move and inspire your audience. Use data to strengthen your stories and stories to bring your data to life.

Example: The story of Anna and climate change

Anna lives in a small village in the Alps. Every morning, she looks out of her window and admires the majestic snow-capped peaks. But in recent years, she has noticed that the snow is melting earlier and earlier and the peaks are remaining bare for longer and longer.

Data point 1: According to a study by the Swiss Alpine Club, the average snow cover in the Alps has decreased by 70% in the last 50 years.

Anna remembers the winter days of her childhood, when she could play in the snow for hours. Today, their children rarely get to experience this.

Data point 2: The number of snow days per year in the Alps has halved in the last 20 years.

Anna is worried about the future of her village. Tourism, the village’s main source of income, is in sharp decline as fewer and fewer people come to ski.

Data point 3: Income from winter tourism in the Alps has fallen by 40% in the last 10 years.

Anna’s story is the story of many people who are directly affected by the effects of climate change. It is a story that is underpinned by data and demonstrates the urgency of action.

In this example, we have combined a personal story with concrete data points to illustrate the effects of climate change in the Alps. Storytelling makes the data tangible and emotionally appealing, while the data lends credibility and weight to the story.

90 Create curated content

Think of curated content as a carefully curated playlist of your favorite songs. Each song was chosen for a specific reason and together they offer an unforgettable listening experience. That’s how curated content should be: carefully selected to give your audience the best possible experience.

So, instead of being constantly caught in the hamster wheel of content creation, take the time to explore and share the work of others. It will not only strengthen your brand, but also deepen your relationship with your audience and other experts in your industry

  1. Position yourself as an industry expert: By carefully selecting and sharing high-quality content from a variety of sources, you show that you know what’s going on in your industry. They present themselves as a trustworthy source of information.
  2. Time-saving for your audience: your target group is busy. By curating the best content for them, you save them valuable time. You no longer have to surf for hours to find relevant information – you deliver it directly.
  3. Variety and perspective: Constantly producing your own content can become monotonous. By curating content, you offer your audience a variety of voices and perspectives, which increases the value of your content.
  4. Build relationships: When you share content from other experts, you recognize their expertise. This can pave the way for future partnerships and collaborations.
  5. Constant flow of content: It is not always easy to constantly produce new, original content. By curating content, you can ensure that your content calendar is always full.

91. use user-generated content

User-generated content is a powerful tool in the arsenal of every content marketer. Why? Because it is authentic, trustworthy and often extremely convincing.

Here are the most important reasons why you should integrate UGC into your content strategy:

  1. Authenticity: UGC comes directly from your customers or fans. It shows real experiences, opinions and emotions, which are often more authentic than brand-produced content.
  2. Building trust: Studies have shown that customers trust reviews and recommendations from other customers more than traditional advertising messages.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: Collecting and sharing UGC can often be more cost-effective than creating your own content, especially for high-quality media such as videos or photos.
  4. SEO benefits: UGC can increase the amount of original content on your website, which in turn can improve your SEO performance.
  5. Increased engagement: Content that comes from real users can often lead to higher engagement on social media as it is relatable and shareable.
  6. Insights into the target group: By observing and analyzing UGC, you can gain valuable insights into the needs, wishes and behaviors of your target group.

How can you use UGC effectively?

  • Encourage participation: Run competitions or challenges on social media to motivate your community to create and share content.
  • Use testimonials: Collect customer reviews and opinions and present them prominently on your website or in your marketing campaigns.
  • Share on social media: If a customer posts a great photo of your product or shares a positive experience, share it on your own channels (with permission, of course).
  • Integrate UGC on your website: Use tools or plugins to create a UGC gallery on your website where customers can share photos, reviews or other content.
  • Give credit: When using UGC, always give credit to the original creator. This not only promotes trust, but also encourages others to share content.

At a time when authenticity and trust are becoming increasingly important, user-generated content offers an invaluable opportunity to make genuine connections with your target audience.

92. use the power of search engine optimization

In digital marketing, there is an invisible hero who often remains in the shadows but plays a crucial role: search engine optimization, better known as SEO. While marketers and content creators are constantly on the lookout for the next viral hit, it is SEO that constantly and reliably drives traffic to websites.

Why is SEO so important? Think of the billions of search queries that are entered into search engines like Google every day. Each of these requests represents a potential customer, a curious reader or a future fan. SEO ensures that when someone searches for a topic that matches your content, your article, video or infographic will appear at the top of the search results.

But SEO goes beyond simple keywords. It’s about optimizing the structure and quality of your website, getting backlinks from trusted sources and making sure your content meets current standards and best practices. It is an ongoing effort that requires constant adaptation and updating.

Some critics may argue that in the age of social media and influencer marketing, SEO has become less important. But the figures speak a different language. According to studies, users trust organic search results far more than paid ads. And while social media trends come and go, the good old search engine remains a constant source of traffic.

At a time when everyone is trying to be heard, SEO offers the opportunity not only to be heard, but also to be found. It may not be the flashiest tool in the digital arsenal, but it is certainly one of the most powerful. So, before you invest in expensive ad campaigns or try to set the next viral trend, make sure you’ve mastered the basics of search engine optimization. It could be the difference between online obscurity and digital success.

93. cultivate relationships

While many marketers focus on the latest technologies and tools, it’s the relationships that often make the difference between average and outstanding content marketing.

But why are relationships so crucial in content marketing?

Firstly, by cultivating relationships with other content creators, influencers and industry experts, you can significantly increase your reach and visibility. A simple retweet, a mention in a blog post or a shared webinar invitation can drive thousands of new eyes to your content.

Secondly, relationships provide valuable feedback. By building close relationships with your target audience, you can learn directly from them what works and what doesn’t. This enables you to constantly improve your content and respond better to the needs of your readers.

Thirdly, at a time when trust in brands is waning, relationships can serve as a bridge of trust. People trust recommendations from friends, colleagues and people they respect far more than advertisements or sponsored content.

But how do you build these valuable relationships? It starts with authenticity. Be genuine in your communication and show genuine interest in the people you interact with. Take the time to reply to comments, answer emails and attend networking events. And don’t forget to give something back too. Share the content of others, offer help where you can, and be generous with your knowledge and time.

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, it can be easy to get lost in the latest trends and technologies. But at the end of the day, it’s the relationships that count. They are the foundation on which successful content is built. So, take the time to look after them. It will pay off.

94 Answer the questions of your target group

Whether it’s how to solve a problem, make a purchasing decision or simply find out more about a particular topic, the Internet is often the first port of call. This is a golden opportunity for content marketers.

Why is answering questions so important?

  1. Create relevance: By answering the specific questions of your target group, you show that you understand their needs and interests. This not only builds trust, but also ensures that your content is relevant and useful.
  2. SEO benefits: Search engines love content that provides direct answers to frequently asked questions. This can increase your visibility in search results and drive more organic traffic to your website.
  3. Position yourself as an industry expert: If you consistently deliver high-quality answers, you position yourself as an expert in your field. This strengthens your brand authority and promotes customer trust.
  4. Encourage engagement: Content that answers questions often encourages discussion and interaction. This can lead to a stronger bond with your community and to returning visitors.

How can you answer your target group’s questions effectively?

  • Market research: Use tools such as surveys, feedback forms and social media to find out what questions your target group has.
  • FAQ pages: Create a frequently asked questions page on your website to answer your customers’ most frequently asked questions.
  • Blog posts and articles: Write detailed articles that delve into specific questions and provide comprehensive answers.
  • Videos and webinars: Use visual media to explain complex topics and answer questions in an interactive format.
  • Community management: Be active in forums, social media and comment sections to respond directly to questions and encourage discussion.

Because information is easily accessible at all times, the value of content often makes the difference. By focusing on answering your target group’s questions directly and effectively, you can stand out from the competition and offer real added value.

95 Package your content in stories

Imagine sitting around a campfire, the flames flickering in the night sky and someone starting to tell a story. You are immediately captivated, hanging on the lips of the narrator and forgetting the world around you. This is the power of storytelling – and it is precisely this power that you can also use in your content marketing.

Why should you package your content in stories?

  1. Emotional connection: Stories arouse emotions. They make us laugh, cry and think. Through storytelling, you can create a deeper emotional connection with your audience that goes far beyond simply sharing information.
  2. Memorability: Information presented in the form of a story is better remembered. Instead of presenting dry facts and figures, convey them in a narrative context that will be remembered.
  3. Differentiation from the crowd: In a world flooded with content, storytelling offers a way to stand out from the competition. A well-told story is unique and unmistakable.
  4. Promoting engagement: People love stories. They share them, discuss them and return to them again and again. Content presented in the form of a story encourages engagement and interaction.

How can you implement successful storytelling in your content marketing?

  • Know your target audience: To tell a story that resonates, you need to know who your audience is and what moves them.
  • Be authentic: Tell true stories that reflect your brand and your values.
  • Use conflict: Every good story has a conflict or a problem that needs to be solved. Show how your product or service can solve this problem.
  • Integrate characters: Whether it’s about satisfied customers, committed employees or the founder’s story – characters make a story tangible and relatable.

Storytelling offers an opportunity to really reach and touch the audience. It’s not just a method, it’s an art. An art that, if used correctly, can take your content marketing to the next level. So, pack your content into stories and watch it come to life!

96. give recommendations for action

Imagine you are reading a fascinating article about healthy eating. You are inspired, motivated and ready to change your eating habits. But something crucial is missing at the end of the article: A clear next step. What now? This is where the power of recommendations for action comes into play.

Why are recommendations for action so crucial in content marketing?

  1. Bridge to action: Good content informs and inspires, but first-class content motivates action. Recommendations for action provide your audience with clear direction and a concrete next step.
  2. More engagement: Giving your audience a clear call to action increases the likelihood that they will interact, whether that’s by buying a product, signing up to a newsletter or sharing your content.
  3. Measurable results: With clear recommendations for action, you can better measure the success of your content. They offer a direct way to see how effectively your content motivates your target group to take action.
  4. Building trust: By offering your audience not only information, but also concrete steps to implement this information, you position yourself as a trustworthy advisor.

How can you integrate effective recommendations for action into your content?

  • Be specific: Instead of vague statements like “Learn more” or “Stay tuned”, give specific instructions like “Download our guide” or “Sign up for our webinar”.
  • Use eye-catching design elements: A well-designed button or highlighted text can draw attention to your recommendation for action.
  • Offer value: Your recommendation for action should offer clear added value. Make sure your audience understands what’s in it for them if they follow your call.

In the world of content marketing, it is not enough to simply provide information. It is about moving, influencing and acting. Recommendations for action are the tool that drives this process. They are the key to turning passive readers into active participants. Use them wisely and watch your content marketing blossom!

97. work with article series

Do you know that feeling when you can’t put a good book down and are eagerly awaiting the sequel?

You can create exactly this feeling with your content by using article series. Instead of individual, isolated posts, offer your audience a continuous story that keeps them coming back.

Why are article series so effective in content marketing?

  1. Build suspense: Just like a good TV series, you can arouse curiosity with every article and make your audience eagerly await the next part.
  2. Deeper exploration: Instead of covering a topic superficially, article series allow you to delve deeper, shed light on different aspects and offer your audience a comprehensive insight.
  3. Stronger loyalty: Regular and ongoing content promotes the loyalty and retention of your readers. They know that they can look forward to high-quality and consistent content.
  4. Optimization for search engines: By linking articles within a series, you improve the internal linking of your website, which has a positive impact on SEO.

How can you create successful article series?

  • Planning is everything: Think in advance about the topics you want to cover and sketch out a rough roadmap for your series.
  • Maintain consistency: Make sure you publish new pieces regularly to keep your audience interested.
  • Encourage interaction: Encourage your readers to give feedback, ask questions and start discussions on the topics covered.
  • Use a convincing call-to-action: At the end of each article, you should ask your readers to read the next part or sign up for notifications.

Article series offer a unique opportunity to deliver in-depth, valuable content while building a strong connection with your audience. It’s time to harness the power of ongoing stories in your content marketing!

98. collect e-mail addresses with bonus content

ou have an impressive pool of loyal readers who eagerly await your every piece of content. Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? This dream can become reality if you make a smart move: Offer exclusive bonus content in exchange for email addresses!

Why is this a brilliant idea?

  1. Exclusivity creates desire: people love the feeling of receiving something special. Bonus content that is only available to subscribers arouses curiosity and creates added value that your readers cannot ignore.
  2. A direct line to your readers: E-mail is personal. Through direct contact with your readers, you can build a deeper relationship and deliver your message directly to their inbox.
  3. Long-term loyalty: With regular email updates and exclusive content, you can keep your target group engaged and keep them coming back for more.

How do you implement this strategy effectively?

  • Quality over quantity: Your bonus content should be of high quality. It should be something that your readers really want and value.
  • Make it simple: The process of collecting email addresses should be seamless and straightforward. A simple registration form and a clear call-to-action are the key.
  • Be transparent: Inform your readers exactly what they can expect and how often they will hear from you. Trust is the foundation of any successful email strategy.

Collecting email addresses through bonus content is not only an effective way to grow your audience, but also a great way to build an engaged and loyal readership. Take advantage of this opportunity and let your content marketing strategy flourish!

99. offer the audience a media mix

A media mix can help to reach a wider audience and deepen the bond with your readers. Here are some reasons and tips on why and how you should use a media mix in your content strategy:

  1. Diverse learning styles: Everyone absorbs information in different ways. While some people are visual learners and benefit from videos or infographics, others prefer reading text or listening to podcasts.
  2. Increased reach: Different media formats can be shared on different platforms, increasing your chances of reaching a wider audience.
  3. Increase engagement: Varied content can boost engagement by piquing users’ curiosity and encouraging them to spend more time with your content.

Tips for an effective media mix:

  • Know your audience: Understand your audience’s preferences and habits. This will help you to select the right media formats.
  • Experiment: Try out different formats, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, webinars, e-books or infographics, to find out what resonates best with your audience.
  • Quality over quantity: It is more important to create high-quality content in a few selected formats than to get too bogged down and neglect quality.
  • Integrate different media: Combine different media formats in one post. For example, a blog post can be supplemented with embedded videos or infographics.

100. Measure and celebrate your successes

Imagine investing time, energy and creativity into your content marketing strategy, but failing to truly appreciate the fruits of your labor. That would be a shame, wouldn’t it? Every success, no matter how small, is proof of your hard work and commitment. And that is precisely why it is essential not only to measure your successes, but also to celebrate them properly!

Why is this so important?

  1. A real motivation boost: celebrating successes invigorates the team and lights the fire for future projects. It reminds everyone why they do what they do and what difference their work makes.
  2. Learn and grow: By measuring what worked and what didn’t, you equip yourself with valuable knowledge. This knowledge is worth its weight in gold, because it shows you the way to even greater success.
  3. Recognition and appreciation: Everyone wants to be appreciated. Celebrating successes is a powerful way to show your team that their contributions are seen and valued.

So, how do you do it right?

  • Define success: What does success mean to you? Is it a certain number of clicks, shares or perhaps leads? Establish clear criteria and measure regularly.
  • Use the right tools: There are numerous analysis tools that can help you keep an overview. Use them!
  • Take time to celebrate: organize a team meeting, share the good news in a newsletter or simply treat yourself to a moment of satisfaction.

In conclusion: You work hard on your content. They put their heart and soul, time and energy into it. Don’t you deserve to measure and celebrate every success you achieve? Of course you do! So, make it a priority. Not only will it boost your confidence, but it will also motivate your team and drive your overall content marketing strategy. You have earned it!

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