The emergence of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) has caused quite a stir. Some people were already dreaming of endless amounts of content with minimal effort. But it also quickly became clear that the technology has its limits and pitfalls.

The use of AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Bard can nevertheless offer considerable added value for marketing aspects such as content creation, keyword research and other tasks – if used correctly. AI content creation is already in full swing. We have also written a beginner’s guide on this topic. But how can you fully exploit the potential of AI content creation while avoiding potential pitfalls?

We have dealt intensively with this topic and present our 15 most important tips for optimizing content marketing thanks to AI support.

Whether you are already using AI tools or are still thinking about it, these tips are guaranteed to help you. So let’s get straight to it!

1. improve topic research with AI support

A key aspect of using AI-powered content creation tools is the ability to generate innovative and engaging ideas. By skillfully using research prompts, you can expand your creative boundaries and come up with fresh approaches. For example, enter the command “show me the best content on the topic of AI in marketing” in your AI tool. Here, the AI acts as a creative catalyst and spits out ideas that you might not have developed on your own.

It is important to emphasize here that the generated content does not necessarily exist in reality. In particular, ChatGPT 3.5 has no built-in browsing capability and therefore will not provide current or real results. But even if the results of the AI may be fictitious, they can still inspire and provide new ideas. The trick here is to take this inspiration and dig deeper with the help of a search engine. Use the generated keywords to search for similar content. You may well come across hidden treasures – content that might have remained undiscovered without the use of AI. The interplay of creative AI and targeted research opens up new horizons for your content ideas.


If you come across interesting articles during your research, you can extract their H2 headings. For example, you can use a browser extension such as “SEO Meta in 1 Click” to list the headers. Save the interesting headings in a separate document.

From here, you can copy and paste them directly into your AI tool to get a precise briefing for creating your own content. The more extensive your collection of ideas, the easier it will be to develop new articles quickly and efficiently later on. The AI can then help you to develop new headlines from the inspirations that match your article.

2. content briefings made easy: with AI help on page 1 of the search results

Let AI help you take Google rankings by storm with your content. AI tools are able to create targeted briefings to achieve this goal.

The first step is to analyze the search results (SERP). Use a relevant, powerful SERP analysis tool for this. You can also let the AI help you with this, but the results of dedicated tools are usually better. Summarize the H2 headlines of the well-performing content concisely. These serve as a guide for your own material. However, caution is advised here. Google clearly states: the mere rewriting of content with the help of AI violates the guidelines. That’s why you shouldn’t just copy, but use the inspiration from the top performers to create your own content.

Think about which aspects of the topic are still missing and add these to your briefing – with the support of the AI if you wish. In this way, you can gain important insights from the data collected from the SERP analysis as to which content works well – and what this content does not yet offer. The essence here lies in the skillful fusion of human creativity with the precision of AI.

This allows you to create briefings that not only inspire the search algorithm, but also appeal to your readers. This leads us to the next important tip.

3. created in a flash: The briefing becomes the first draft

Writing the first draft can sometimes be the biggest hurdle. After all, nothing is more dangerous for creativity than a blank page. AI can make this process much easier. Imagine being able to create a basic design in record time, which then serves as the basis for further editing and fine-tuning.

With a clear briefing and your favorite AI writing tool, content creation becomes really easy and fun. The aim is not to create a masterful article straight away, but to leave the tedious work of transferring ideas to the AI tool.

Put your briefing into the tool and let the AI work its magic. Within a very short time, you will receive a first draft that may be a little wordy, but is still easy to read and usable. It is the decisive step to set the creative flow in motion and create a basis for further improvements.

This approach allows you to concentrate on the essentials: Capture ideas quickly and generate a usable text. But the real fun begins when you can transform this rough diamond into a brilliant, unique item.

4. indispensable step: research and fact check

You will not be able to avoid researching your own topics. Because for all its capabilities, AI still tends to distort facts and make mistakes. The use of newer tools with access to real-time data (such as ChatGPT 4, Google Bard and the like) can provide some relief here, but a thorough fact check is still always necessary.

Imagine your article deals with the concept of the “zero-waste lifestyle”. Here’s my tip: Browse articles on page 1 of the search results and watch videos on platforms like YouTube. The idea is clear: the better you understand your topic, the more precisely the AI can help you. You don’t need to know the subject down to the last detail, but you should understand enough of it to recognize when the tools are making a mistake. In addition, a basic understanding of the topic helps to provide better instructions and questions to the AI, which in turn improves the quality of the answers.

Using your own basic knowledge and the skills of AI, you can create informative and exciting content on topics that will inspire your readers. The way to expert status is through thorough research.

By the way: If a topic is extremely complex, you can have extensive sources summarized by the AI. This allows you to speed up your research.

5 Precise and efficient: The text after shortening

Once you have your lightning-fast first draft in your hands, the phase of reading, checking and shortening begins. Take a critical look at your text and analyze what works well, what is less successful and, above all, what can be improved.

The first round of shortening is mainly about removing anything superfluous. Imagine you are a sculptor removing the rough remains of a work of art to reveal the true beauty underneath. This is not about fundamental changes, but about fine-tuning your text.

Remove everything that is not essential and give your text a clear structure. This shortening process is crucial to ensure that your message is clear and concise. Remember to preserve the essence while removing the excess “fluff”. The result is a streamlined and effective text that captures the attention of your readers.

6 Finding the right balance

In the vast majority of cases, it does not make sense to let the AI do all the work. Many readers want to recognize (or at least have the impression) that a person has worked on what they see in front of them. This is also due to the fact that AI – despite its impressive capabilities – does not yet work flawlessly. It also often uses standard formulations that are easy to see through. Although this can be countered by providing precise instructions, it has proven to be a good idea for at least some of the work to be done by a human.

This is not to say that the AI is not allowed to work on the text! After all, this – text creation – is the main discipline of tools such as ChatGPT. But you should give the texts your own polish. There are two essential approaches to this.

  1. You let the AI write and then edit the whole thing further.
    This is probably the standard case that many content writers use. In many cases, an AI’s designs provide a good base to build on, but don’t quite match your style.
  2. You let the AI finish your thoughts.
    Do you know that too? They started a heel and were going quite well when they suddenly got stuck. The next sentence just doesn’t want to succeed. Here you can transfer the already written part to the AI and have it completed.

A rough guide to the right balance can be to start with a ratio of around 50/50. This saves you a lot of time and effort compared to an article written without AI support. At the same time, you retain a large part of your own style. Depending on the topic and task, however, it can also make sense to deviate from this balance.

Sometimes the design of the AI is already so good that it hardly needs any revision. Other times, they may have to do a lot of the work themselves – or you may have an idea that they can implement themselves faster than you can make it clear to the AI what you have in mind.

This symbiotic collaboration not only enables time-efficient content creation, but also ensures that your personal signature always takes center stage. This creates a harmonious flow of text that will captivate your readers. Experiment with this method and find the optimal balance between human creativity and AI precision.

7. improved sales through AI

Precision in paragraph design is crucial. AI tools can help optimize your content to engage readers. By using AI in a targeted way, you can ensure that each section is not only clear and concise, but also effective. In a world where attention is scarce, a well-designed paragraph makes all the difference. Let AI optimize your content to convince your readers or potential customers.

Let the AI optimize paragraphs individually. This not only avoids thematic blurring. You can also adjust the tonality, focus and other parameters for each paragraph. This makes your texts more valuable for readers. It is also important to note that brevity is not always the right recipe. Some paragraphs, some topics need to be dealt with more extensively. Make sure you meet the needs and tone of voice of your target group – AI can also help you with this.

8. avoid accidental plagiarism by the AI

Imagine your AI-generated content is like the mystery ingredient in an exotic dish – delicious, but with the risk that it has been unintentionally taken from somewhere else, like a mysterious recipe theft in a gourmet restaurant. One of the challenges of using AI is how it can unconsciously take over other items. This is because voice AIs such as ChatGPT are trained with content that already exists. Here it can happen that formulations, sentences or entire paragraphs are the same or similar to something that other people have created.

To ensure that your unique creation doesn’t involuntarily fall into the plagiarism trap, you should consider tools such as Copyscape. This tool acts like a detective who checks your creation for possible duplicates. Feed your texts into Copyscape and check whether your AI-generated content has copied too much from others. The same applies in particular if you are inspired by other content. Always remember: inspiration is good, but a copy doesn’t get you anywhere.

If you discover unwanted “ingredients” in your “kitchen”, you should not hesitate to remove or modify them. Much like a master chef refines his recipe, you can make adjustments to ensure that your AI-powered content is not only tasty, but also original and unique. A pinch of caution and a touch of control can protect your creation from the risk of plagiarism and ensure that your text is a distinctive culinary experience for your readers.

9 Unique elements add weight to your message

To give your text a distinctive human touch and increase the added value for your readers, you should integrate unique content. Here are six creative ideas on how to take your content to the next level:

  1. Insert unique anecdotes
    Example: Share your personal experiences or stories to make your text more lively and authentic.
  2. Integrate graphics and infographics
    Example: Integrate visual elements, such as customized diagrams or infographics, to make complex information easy to understand.
  3. Conduct interviews with industry experts
    Example: Get the perspectives of thought leaders in your industry to enrich your text with informed insights.
  4. Perform live demonstrations
    Example: Conduct live demonstrations to involve your readers directly in the process and clarify complex concepts.
  5. Integrate interactive elements
    Example: Add quizzes or polls to encourage interaction and increase reader engagement.
  6. Present practical examples
    Example: Provide concrete case studies or practical examples to link theoretical concepts to real-life situations.

Integrating this content not only gives your text credibility, but also makes it appealing and informative. Through the targeted integration of various elements, you can ensure that your readers are not only informed, but also inspired.

10 The second draft: Perfection through fine-tuning

With your first design already shining thanks to the collaborative efforts of human input and AI precision, it’s now time to shape the second design. Remember, this draft is like the finishing touches on a masterpiece – a process that puts the finishing touches on your text and transforms it into an outstanding work of art.

Here are five potential problems that may arise during the second draft, and the solutions to them:

  1. Redundancy and repetition
    • Solution: Use AI to identify redundant phrases and replace them with more concise wording.
  2. Lack of coherence between sections
    • Solution: Check the flow of the text and let the AI help smooth out transitions and strengthen coherence.
  3. Style inconsistencies
    • Solution: Use AI to analyze the writing style and ensure it is consistent. Align human and AI formulations.
  4. Grammatical ambiguities
    • Solution: Use AI to check grammar and syntax and eliminate any ambiguities.
  5. Lack of originality
    • Solution: Let the AI suggest alternative formulations to ensure that your text remains authentic and unique.

The second draft is not only a step towards perfection, but also an opportunity to find innovative solutions to potential challenges with the help of AI. Once again, it shows how the symbiosis of human ingenuity and AI precision leads to outstanding results.

11. refining text quality: a step towards perfection

After you’ve created a solid draft, it’s time to optimize the quality of your content. Content tools such as Grammarly and DeepL Write offer an effective way to perfect grammar and tone and avoid writing pitfalls.

These AI-based tools provide precise suggestions for improving grammar, style and clarity. However, it is important to note that, as with any AI tool, a certain amount of caution is required to ensure that the unique character of your content is preserved.

To ensure this, it is advisable to check the texts personally after using content tools. This keeps your individual voice and your own writing style intact. These tools are intended to support, not replace. With this balanced approach, the quality of your text will not only be grammatically flawless, but also human and appealing.

12. create captivating entrances

Now you have a draft that is almost ready for publication. But it’s no secret that many readers only skim a text at first. To ensure that your exciting, interesting or funny content is actually read, it is therefore important that the title and subheadings are really good. The trick is to captivate your readers right from the start. Your titles and headlines should not only arouse curiosity, but also encourage people to read on. Use ChatGPT to create keyword-oriented and catchy titles and headings.

Ask the tool for a list of engaging H2s that you can use as an effective alternative to your existing list. You will be surprised at the creative impulses that can arise. An appealing introduction is not only the “hook” of your article, but also the fishing rod that draws your readers deeper into the text and inspires them to read on.

13. validate content: Experts in the review process

We have already discussed the content review in one of the previous points. We have pointed out that in most cases you cannot avoid basic topic research. For many topics, this is also sufficient to create good content. But this is often not enough to raise your content to an excellent level. When it comes to the authenticity and accuracy of your AI-generated content, going to an expert is essential. A specialist can not only help to identify possible inaccuracies, but also enrich the content with their expertise.

Make explicit reference in your article to the fact that a review has been carried out by experts. This not only underlines the seriousness of your content, but also makes the verification process itself transparent and comprehensible. Name the experts to lend credibility and give readers the opportunity to verify the review.

Involving experts in the validation process not only strengthens the trustworthiness of your content, but also creates a bridge between machine-generated information and human expertise. This hybrid approach ensures that your audience receives high-quality, reliable content that is informed by both advanced technology and human expertise.

14. let the AI create your meta description

Leave the task of creating your meta description to the AI. ChatGPT can help you to generate concise and appealing meta descriptions that not only contain the relevant keywords but also arouse the reader’s curiosity. Even though Google tends to ignore meta descriptions from time to time, you shouldn’t underestimate how crucial they can be for an effective SEO strategy. These short snippets of text act as digital business cards and influence whether a user clicks on your link. By using AI for your meta descriptions, you can ensure that they not only meet the technical requirements, but also present the content of your article in a concise and appealing way. This allows you to increase the click rate and visibility of your content.

15. design with AI: adding the finishing touches

Content design is an often overlooked but crucial aspect when it comes to ensuring your article is not only well written but also visually appealing. This is where AI tools come into play, which can help you put the finishing touches to your content and find the perfect visual language for it.

In particular, the use of AI tools to create images can make a significant contribution. Although some of these tools can take some getting used to at first and results can vary, we have had impressive success with AI images. It’s worth exploring these tools as they not only offer a cost-effective alternative to high-quality stock photos, but also the opportunity to create unique visuals that will make your content stand out from the crowd. Try it out and be inspired by the possibilities of fast image creation and editing.

Conclusion: AI tools as the key to content excellence

Overall, AI tools offer a transformative power for content creation by not only speeding up the process, but also enriching the quality and variety of content created. The right use of these tools can have a significant impact, whether it's brainstorming, writing content or fine-tuning the design.

It may be tempting to stick to step-by-step instructions, but in the end it is the engagement with the topic that offers the greatest added value. The creative use of AI opens up new horizons and makes it possible to break new ground in content creation.

The outlook clearly shows that AI tools will become increasingly important in content marketing. It is therefore crucial to get to grips with these technologies at an early stage and fully exploit their potential. Those who take a proactive approach to this development will not only benefit from efficiency gains, but will also have the opportunity to position themselves successfully in an increasingly digitalized content landscape.

Do you need more tips for your SEO work? With over 15 years of experience, we are happy to advise you as an SEO agency!

Über den Autor

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Sven Nossek ist Content-Manager bei UnitedAds und kümmert sich um alle Bereiche der Content-Erstellung: von der Recherche über Briefings und Content-Pläne bis zum fertigen Text. Er befasst sich seit 2019 mit dem Thema Content Management, SEO und Content-Marketing sowie Künstlicher Intelligenz im Marketing- und Content-Bereich.

Neben Deutsch spricht er Englisch, lernt Schwedisch und kann einige Wörter Spanisch. In seiner Freizeit liest er Fantasy, Science-Fiction und historische Romane, schreibt selbst, kocht und ist auf Mittelaltermärkten anzutreffen, wo er seine Leidenschaft für Geschichte und Archäologie mit seinem anderen Hobby kombiniert: dem Brauen von edlem Honigwein aus regionalen Zutaten.

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