There is no way around artificial intelligence in marketing. Everyone is talking about the great new possibilities offered by AI or the threat it poses.

Such a polarized discussion inevitably leads to many articles on the subject either taking a one-sided view of the advantages or a one-sided view of the disadvantages. The other side has little or no say.

Yet it is precisely the objective consideration of all the arguments that allows a well-founded and reliable decision to be made. In this case: Will AI help me in marketing, or not?

To make this decision easier and to look at the extensive topic from a marketing perspective, I threw myself into the research, tried it out and tested it. The result is this article, in which I will try to shed light on the most important aspects from both sides and give an outlook on how AI will develop in marketing in the future.

Decoding AI: definition and technical development in marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) suggests a human-like way of thinking. In reality, it’s about the ability of computers and machines to perform complex tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning and understanding language.

This technology simulates human intelligence using algorithms and large amounts of data to solve problems and make decisions. However, true intelligence, i.e. consciousness, and emotional intelligence remain outside the capabilities of AI and their achievability is questioned by many scientists.

In the marketing context, AI integrates various techniques. Currently, language models such as ChatGPT and Google Bard, which can partially or even fully automate many marketing processes, are particularly popular.

These innovations build on older technologies that have long been used for the automated processing and analysis of data, which is essential in science for handling large volumes of data. They also support the automation of various processes in marketing:

  • To recognize interesting recognize interesting developments quickly
  • To automated performance reports to create
  • In order to overview of parallel projects to keep
  • To support the creation of content
  • And many more.

In order to be able to talk seriously about the topic, it is necessary to clarify the terminology fundamentally before we talk about the advantages and limitations of AI in marketing.

Basic terms explained: machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing

Machine learning refers to computer programs that learn from data and improve themselves as a result. This technology uses “training data” to train algorithms so that programs such as ChatGPT can perform complex tasks and learn from experience.

Deep learning, a specific area of machine learning, uses deep neural networks to recognize complex patterns in large amounts of data. Inspired by the structure of the human brain, deep learning enables machines to process abstract data and learn from it, making them particularly suitable for demanding tasks such as image and speech recognition.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an AI application that processes and understands language. NLP enables chatbots like ChatGPT to understand natural language and generate human-like responses, making them effective and impressive when interacting with users.

Areas of application for AI: its functions in marketing

By using AI, marketing experts can not only access huge amounts of data faster and more efficiently, but also gain deeper and more precise insights into customer behavior and market trends.

AI algorithms are able to recognize patterns and correlations in data that would be too complex or subtle for human analysts. This capability enables marketers to develop personalized marketing strategies based on detailed customer profiles.

For example, customer preferences and purchasing behavior can be predicted, leading to more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

In addition, AI helps to optimize marketing budgets by identifying the most likely paths to success and minimizing inefficient approaches.

The analysis of large amounts of data by AI enables data-driven decision-making that makes marketing more efficient, effective and responsive.

Benefits of AI in marketing: increasing efficiency and precision

So let’s take another look at the many benefits of using artificial intelligence in a marketing context. The main aim here is to significantly increase both the efficiency and the accuracy of marketing activities.

  • 1
    Personalization: AI makes it possible to analyze customer preferences on an individual level and create personalized marketing messages. This leads to higher engagement rates and an enhanced customer experience. One example: online retailers can use automated recommendation systems. These analyze the purchasing behavior and interests of users and thus generate tailored product recommendations.
  • 2
    Predictive analysis: By evaluating customer data, AI can predict future purchasing behavior. This helps companies to better plan and align marketing campaigns and offers. For example, with AI support, a company can predict which products will be popular in the coming season and adjust its advertising measures and stock levels accordingly.
  • 3

    Automation: AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as segmenting customer lists, placing ads or sending emails. This automation not only saves time, but also increases the efficiency and accuracy of marketing activities.

  • 4

    Improved target group approach: AI helps to define and address target groups more precisely. Data such as behavior, demographic information and interests are analyzed for this purpose. One application example is personalized ads in social media. Ads are targeted at users who are most likely to be interested in this product or service.

  • 5

    Optimization of marketing campaigns: AI tools can analyze real-time data to continuously monitor and adjust the performance of marketing campaigns. This live monitoring and automated adjustment enables a higher ROI to be achieved.

  • 6

    Chatbots and customer interaction: AI-driven chatbots enable fast and efficient interaction with customers. They can answer frequently asked questions, make product recommendations and even take orders, which leads to improved customer satisfaction.

Artificial intelligence therefore helps to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing measures. In addition to the obvious factor of saving time and processing large amounts of data, personalization is a particularly important argument.

How AI helps to overcome marketing challenges

  • 1
    Optimizing the customer journey: AI can analyze the path that customers take from their first contact with the site to the checkout. This makes it possible to identify the points at which users jump off particularly frequently. More complex AIs can take a closer look at these points and make recommendations on how to optimize them. In this way, AI helps to improve the user experience.
  • 2
    Content analysis and optimization: AI can analyze content and make recommendations for its optimization. For example, it can evaluate blog posts or product descriptions and make suggestions to increase SEO performance or improve readability and engagement.
  • 3
    Predicting market trends: AI can analyze market data to identify emerging trends. This enables companies to proactively adapt their marketing strategies and gain a competitive advantage by adapting to trends such as new consumer preferences or changes in industry dynamics.

The limitations of AI: challenges in the marketing context

We have highlighted the many benefits and applications of AI, but we also need to understand its limitations in order to fully exploit its potential. One of the main limitations is the dependence on data quality: AI is only as good as the data available to it.

ChatGPT, for example, trained with huge amounts of data, delivers wide-ranging but not always targeted answers. The solution could be a subject-specific, smaller data set, but this limits the flexibility of the AI.

AI is not a panacea, but a tool that works in combination with human guidance. It delivers optimum results when it receives precise instructions – a process known as “prompt engineering”. This requires specialist knowledge and sometimes programming skills, which increases the complexity of customization to specific company needs.

The ethical dimension: using AI responsibly

The problem of data quality leads to another challenge: the ethical responsibility of collecting large amounts of customer data. It is crucial both to gain customer trust and to observe legal and ethical standards when collecting data. A balance must be struck between extensive and legally compliant data.

The issue of job security also falls under ethical concerns. There is a lot of discussion about this and there are many different opinions. My personal assessment is that AI as a tool is an opportunity to achieve more with less effort.

I don’t expect AI to be able to completely replace human labor. In many areas, algorithms lack a human factor – be it intuition, creativity or simply a better feel for other people. AI always needs human guidance to ensure the quality of the results.

But I expect many professions and industries to be permanently changed by AI. And greater efficiency always means that some jobs are lost.

However, I suspect that this impact will be less than many fear. This is also because completely new tasks and jobs are emerging as a result of the changes in the industry.

Future prospects: How will AI develop?

Although it is difficult to predict specific developments, some trends are emerging.

AI will become increasingly important, especially as a brainstorming tool. In dialog with chatbots and through the analysis of large amounts of data, marketing professionals receive new ideas and become aware of current trends even faster than before.

Creating ad texts, subheadings and graphics is much easier and faster with the support of artificial intelligence, which leaves more time for other aspects of marketing work. AI also helps to increase relevance and target group orientation, meaning that content marketing in particular is benefiting more and more from AI tools.

At the same time, the quality factor is becoming increasingly important. As more content lands on the web thanks to artificial intelligence, the demand for content quality will continue to rise. Google, Bing and other search engines will push even harder to ensure that only high-quality content ends up in the top positions.

This also makes the symbiosis between humans and AI increasingly important, as AI can only generate truly valuable content in collaboration with a human.

Other trends that are already becoming apparent are the increasing importance of social media and, in this context, short videos. In this area, AI can help with both the creation and target-group-specific display of social media content.

Social media also allow a direct line between customers and companies. Artificial intelligence can provide support here by answering simple questions independently and carrying out automated pre-qualification of inquiries before they are passed on to human employees.

Marketing in the AI era: strategies for professionals

  • Use the power of data. Data-driven marketing is not a new invention, but with powerful AI tools, you can analyze more data faster and get specific recommendations. Together with the intuition and instincts of a human marketing professional, this results in new and innovative strategies, ideas and concepts.
  • Use the power of personalization. Personalized marketing is not a new invention either, but similar to the previous point, AI systems offer the opportunity to exploit the topic even more than before. From support chatbots that take into account not only the name but also the individual interests of a customer, to e-mail campaigns that are customized for individual users – there are few limits to the imagination. However, be careful not to overuse data protection!
  • Let us help you with content creation. We have already written an article with our 15 tips for AI-based content creation. These tips are a good start to getting to grips with the topic and experimenting with the possibilities of AI. From brainstorming to text creation, text optimization and image generation and enhancement, AI helps. Here it is important to find the right balance and ensure the quality of the published content.
  • Try it out for yourself. The topic is still relatively new and there are many different opinions on what is right and what is wrong. Much more important than having a concrete plan right away is that you try out the topic yourself. I can give you great ideas, but the implementation will look different from company to company. The sooner you start optimizing your marketing with AI support, the faster you will find the right balance between man and machine.

AI in marketing – opportunities and challenges

We have thus briefly examined the topic of AI in marketing and established that AI has many advantages in the marketing context, but also limitations. A look into the future indicates that AI will become increasingly important. Companies risk being left behind if they do not address the issue in good time.

AI in marketing is not about replacing people, but about a tool that simplifies and speeds up tasks, allowing employees to focus on other important tasks. The combination of machine efficiency and human intuition offers opportunities. It is important to find a good balance here.

In addition to the advantages, it is also important to recognize the problems of AI: An AI is only as good as the person operating it and the quality of the data used. This data must be collected in compliance with data protection regulations so as not to cause any problems or jeopardize user trust.

And the most important point, also with a view to the expected development in the future: companies and marketers need to get to grips with the topic and try it out. This is the only way to understand the technology and recognize how it can best be used in your company.

Would you like us to support you with your search engine optimization? Contact us and find out how we can help you – also with AI support.

Über den Autor

Content Manager at | + posts

Sven Nossek ist Content-Manager bei UnitedAds und kümmert sich um alle Bereiche der Content-Erstellung: von der Recherche über Briefings und Content-Pläne bis zum fertigen Text. Er befasst sich seit 2019 mit dem Thema Content Management, SEO und Content-Marketing sowie Künstlicher Intelligenz im Marketing- und Content-Bereich.

Neben Deutsch spricht er Englisch, lernt Schwedisch und kann einige Wörter Spanisch. In seiner Freizeit liest er Fantasy, Science-Fiction und historische Romane, schreibt selbst, kocht und ist auf Mittelaltermärkten anzutreffen, wo er seine Leidenschaft für Geschichte und Archäologie mit seinem anderen Hobby kombiniert: dem Brauen von edlem Honigwein aus regionalen Zutaten.

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