
As an online store owner to have a successful marketing strategy. Successful online marketing is a necessity to succeed in the highly competitive e-commerce market. In this article, we will show you how to improve your online presence and increase your sales.


Introduction to e-commerce online marketing

The shopping behavior of consumers has changed drastically. Online stores have not only supplemented traditional retail, but have also revolutionized it in many areas. In this context, online marketing plays a decisive role in ensuring the success of e-commerce companies.

Importance of online marketing for e-commerce

Online marketing, also known as digital marketing, refers to advertising activities that are carried out via the Internet. For e-commerce companies, it is the backbone of their business strategy. It enables them to present their products and services to a global audience, drive targeted traffic to their websites and ultimately increase sales. In a market characterized by intense competition, effective online marketing can make the difference between success and failure.

Objectives of online marketing for online stores

The main objectives of online marketing for online stores are manifold. This includes increasing brand awareness, increasing website traffic, improving customer loyalty and, of course, increasing sales. Through targeted strategies and campaigns, online stores can effectively address their target groups, fulfill their needs and build long-term relationships.

Evolution of e-commerce marketing

The early days of e-commerce marketing were characterized by simple banner ads and e-mail newsletters. But over time, especially with the advent of search engines, social media and advanced analytics tools, e-commerce marketing has evolved into a complex and multi-layered field. Today, online stores use a variety of channels and techniques, from SEO and SEA to influencer marketing and AI-driven personalized recommendations, to reach and retain their customers.

Strategic importance in the current market environment

In a constantly growing and changing digital market environment, it is essential for online stores to always be up to date with the latest online marketing strategies. The strategic importance lies not only in adapting to current trends, but also in anticipating future developments. In an environment where customers are increasingly demanding and technology is constantly advancing, the ability to adapt quickly and innovate is key to continued success in e-commerce.

Basics and advanced concepts in online marketing for online stores

Online marketing, at the heart of this revolution, has evolved from simple banner ads to complex, data-driven strategies based on advanced technologies and algorithms.

Definition and concepts

Online marketing, often also referred to as digital marketing, encompasses all marketing activities that are carried out via digital channels and platforms. This ranges from search engine optimization (SEO) and paid advertising (SEA) to social media marketing and email campaigns. The main objective is to build brand presence, reach and retain customers and ultimately increase sales.

Advantages of online marketing compared to traditional marketing

In contrast to traditional marketing, which often uses mass media such as television, radio and print media, online marketing offers targeted, measurable and interactive marketing methods. Some of the main advantages are:

  • Targeting: Companies can address specific target groups based on demographics, interests and behaviors.
  • Measurability: With tools such as Google Analytics, companies can monitor and analyze the success of their campaigns in real time.
  • Cost efficiency: Compared to traditional media, online campaigns can often be carried out with a fraction of the budget.
  • Interactivity: Companies can interact with their customers in real time, receive feedback and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Algorithms and their impact on the ranking

Search engines such as Google use complex algorithms to evaluate the relevance and quality of websites and rank them accordingly in the search results. Factors such as high-quality content, backlinks from trustworthy sources and an optimized website structure play a decisive role. With the constant evolution of these algorithms, companies need to regularly review and adapt their SEO strategies to maintain or improve their visibility and ranking.

Integration of AI and machine learning in marketing strategies

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionizing online marketing. With their help, companies can:

  • Create personalized customer experiences: By analyzing customer behavior and data, companies can create customized marketing messages and product recommendations.
  • Automation of processes: From chatbots in customer service to automated email campaigns.
  • Predictive analysis: Companies can predict future trends and adapt their marketing strategies accordingly.

Integrating AI into online marketing strategies enables companies to work more efficiently, achieve better results and gain a competitive advantage in an increasingly crowded market.

Search engine optimization (SEO) for online stores

Optimizing online stores for search engines is a continuous process that aims to increase visibility in organic search results in order to generate qualified traffic and increase conversion rates.

On-page SEO

  • Product descriptions: Every product should have a detailed, well-written and unique description. These descriptions should contain relevant keywords without appearing over-optimized. Good content not only helps with SEO, but also with convincing customers to buy.
  • Meta tags: Each product page should have a unique meta title and meta description that accurately describes the product and encourages the potential customer to click.
  • Internal linking: By linking to related products, customers can be encouraged to spend more time on the website and possibly buy more. This also strengthens the internal link structure of the online store.
  • Image optimization: Product images should be compressed to shorten loading times without compromising quality. ALT tags for images should describe the product precisely and contain relevant keywords.

Off-page SEO

  • Backlink building: High-quality backlinks from trustworthy websites can significantly improve the authority and ranking of an online store. Partnerships with influencers, bloggers or other industry experts can be helpful here.
  • Reviews and testimonials: Positive customer reviews can gain the trust of new customers and increase the credibility of the online store. They also influence the ranking in local search results.
  • Social media presence: An active presence on platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook can increase traffic and brand awareness. Regular posts, interaction with followers and targeted advertising campaigns are essential here.

Technical SEO and its advanced aspects

  • Mobile optimization: Over 50% of online purchases are made via mobile devices. Therefore, the online store should be optimized for mobile devices, which means that it loads quickly, is easy to navigate and all functions work correctly on mobile devices.
  • Loading time: A fast website not only improves the user experience, but is also rewarded by search engines. Tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights can help to identify areas for improvement.
  • Security: An SSL certificate is essential for online stores to ensure that customer data is transmitted securely. This also strengthens customer trust and is preferred by search engines.

Schema markup and structured data

  • Product schema: By adding structured data to product pages, detailed product information can be displayed directly in the search results. This can increase the click-through rate and provide potential customers with additional information before they visit the website.
  • Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs help users to understand the path or hierarchy of the website. By adding breadcrumb schema, these paths can also be displayed in the search results, further improving the user experience.

Link Building

  • Content marketing: By creating valuable content, such as shopping guides, tutorials or blog posts, online stores can naturally receive backlinks from other websites that want to share or refer to this content.
  • Guest posts: Writing guest posts for industry-relevant blogs or websites is a proven way to get both backlinks and exposure in the industry.
  • Competitor analysis: By analyzing the backlink profiles of competitors, opportunities for your own link building can be identified.

Implementing these SEO strategies takes time and commitment, but can bring significant benefits to online stores, from increased traffic to improved brand awareness and higher conversion rates.

Search engine advertising (SEA) for online stores

Search engine advertising, or SEA, is an essential part of digital marketing for online stores. It enables retailers to place targeted ads in search engine results to directly target potential customers searching for their products or services.

  • Overview: Google Ads is the best-known advertising tool for search engines and offers online stores the opportunity to place ads above or next to the organic search results.
  • Shopping ads: Google Shopping ads are ideal for online stores in particular, as they display a product image, the price and the store name directly in the search results.
  • Keyword targeting: Through targeted keyword research, online stores can ensure that their ads are displayed for relevant search queries, which increases the chance of conversions.
  • Budget and bidding strategies: With Google Ads, retailers can set daily budgets and choose bidding strategies to maximize the visibility of their ads while controlling costs.

Bing Ads

  • Overview: Although Google dominates the majority of the search engine market, Bing should not be overlooked. Bing Ads reaches a different demographic and can often offer more favorable click prices.
  • Integration with Microsoft products: Bing Ads are integrated with Microsoft products such as Cortana and Office, providing additional advertising opportunities.
  • Similar features to Google: Bing Ads offers similar features to Google Ads, including keyword targeting, bidding strategies and shopping ads.

Programmatic advertising and SEA

  • Automated ad buys: Programmatic advertising refers to the automated purchase of advertising space in real time. For online stores, this means that they can target their SEA campaigns more precisely and efficiently by making decisions based on data and algorithms.
  • Targeted advertising: Programmatic advertising allows online stores to target their ads based on users’ behavior, interests and demographic data, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

Real-time bidding and DSPs

  • Real-time auction process: Real-time bidding (RTB) is a process in which advertising space is purchased in real-time auctions. This enables online stores to determine exactly how much they are prepared to pay for a particular advertising space.
  • Demand Side Platforms (DSPs): DSPs are platforms that enable advertisers to buy advertising inventory from various ad exchanges. For online stores, this means that they have access to a wide range of advertising options and can manage their SEA campaigns centrally.

Search engine advertising offers online stores an effective way to increase their visibility in search results, generate qualified traffic and increase their sales.

However, it is important to constantly monitor performance and adjust strategies accordingly in order to achieve the best possible ROI.

Social media marketing for online stores

At a time when almost everyone is active on social media, social media marketing (SMM) offers online stores an invaluable platform to interact directly with their target audience, build brand loyalty and increase sales.

Facebook & Instagram advertising

  • Targeted ads: Facebook and Instagram have huge databases of user information. Online stores can use this data to target ads specifically to certain age groups, geographic locations, interests and more. This ensures that the ads are presented to those who are most likely to convert.
  • Shopping features: With features such as Instagram Shopping, users can make purchases directly via the app, making the buying process much easier. This is particularly useful for online stores, as it facilitates the transition from viewing a product to purchasing it.
  • Visual storytelling: Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories allow brands to share temporary content that disappears in a 24-hour window. This creates a sense of urgency and can lead to immediate sales.

Influencer Marketing

  • Brand ambassador: An influencer who authentically promotes a product can often be more convincing than traditional advertising. If an influencer who is trusted by the target group loves a product, this can lead to a significant increase in sales.
  • Authenticity: At a time when consumers are skeptical of brand advertising, influencers offer an authentic way to introduce products. Their recommendations are often seen as more honest and trustworthy.
  • Cooperative campaigns: Exclusive discount codes, giveaways or product launches in collaboration with influencers can increase engagement and boost brand awareness.

Social media algorithms and advanced ad strategies

  • Understanding the algorithms: Each social media platform has its own algorithm that determines what content is displayed to users. A deeper understanding of these algorithms can help to ensure that the content of an online store is seen more often and by the right people.
  • A/B testing: By testing different ad types, images, texts or target groups, online stores can find out which strategies are most effective and allocate their resources accordingly.
  • Dynamic product ads: These ads automatically adapt to the user’s behavior and interests to present the most relevant products.

Lookalike audiences and retargeting

  • Lookalike audiences: After an online store has a clear idea of its ideal customer, it can use Facebook and Instagram to find similar users. This extends the reach and brings the products to a new but still relevant audience.
  • Retargeting: Not everyone who visits an online store buys on their first visit. Retargeting ads “follow” these visitors on social media and remind them of the products they viewed, often resulting in a completed sale.

Integrating social media marketing into an online store’s overall strategy can make the difference between an average store and a thriving business.

However, it requires constant adaptation, creativity and listening to customers’ needs and feedback.

Email marketing for online stores

Despite the rise of social media, email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to reach customers directly, strengthen customer loyalty and increase sales. For online stores, it offers a direct line of communication to customers and interested parties. Here are the specific aspects of email marketing that are particularly relevant for online stores:


  • Regular updates: A monthly or weekly newsletter can inform customers about new products, special offers or company news. This keeps the brand in the customer’s mind and encourages repeat purchases.
  • Exclusive offers: Online stores can offer exclusive discounts or offers for subscribers to their newsletter. This encourages registrations and rewards loyal customers.
  • Personalization: By segmenting the email list, online stores can send personalized newsletters that are tailored to the interests and purchasing behavior of the recipients. This increases relevance and the likelihood of conversions.
  • Optimized design: An appealing, mobile design with clear call-to-action buttons can improve the click-through rate and user experience.

Automated e-mail campaigns

  • Welcome e-mails: As soon as a customer registers for the newsletter or makes a purchase, an automated welcome e-mail can be sent. This email may contain a thank you message, exclusive discounts or information about the company.
  • Shopping cart abandonment emails: If customers add products to their shopping cart but do not complete the purchase process, automated emails can remind them to continue shopping. This can often lead to lost sales being saved.
  • Post-purchase emails: Automated emails can be sent after a purchase to ask for feedback, introduce similar products or express gratitude for the purchase.
  • Reactivation campaigns: Automated emails with special offers or news can be sent to customers who have not made a purchase for a long time to encourage them to return.

Overall, email marketing offers online stores an effective way to build a direct and personal relationship with their customers. Online stores can significantly increase their customer loyalty and sales with targeted, relevant and attractively designed emails. However, it is important to always observe the data protection regulations and to give recipients the opportunity to unsubscribe easily.

Affiliate marketing for online stores

Affiliate marketing is a method of online marketing in which companies (in this case online stores) reward partners (affiliates) for bringing customers or visitors to the company’s website through their marketing efforts. Here are the specific aspects of affiliate marketing and performance-based affiliate marketing for online stores:

Affiliate Marketing

  • Partnerships: Online stores can enter into partnerships with bloggers, influencers or other websites that appeal to their target group. These partners promote the store’s products and in return receive a commission for every sale or lead generated by their recommendation.
  • Affiliate networks: There are many affiliate networks such as AWIN, CJ Affiliate or Amazon Associates through which online stores can find partners and manage their affiliate programs.
  • Tracking systems: With the help of special tracking systems, online stores can track which affiliates have generated how many sales or leads. This enables precise accounting and provides information on which partnerships are the most profitable.
  • Increased reach: Affiliate marketing enables online stores to present their products to a wider audience and benefit from the credibility and reach of their partners.

Performance-based affiliate marketing

  • Cost efficiency: With performance-based affiliate marketing, online stores only pay for actual sales or leads. This makes it a particularly cost-efficient marketing method, as there is no expenditure on non-converting advertising measures.
  • Risk minimization: As the costs are directly linked to the results achieved, performance-based affiliate marketing minimizes the financial risk for online stores.
  • Affiliate motivation: Since affiliates are only paid when they actually generate sales or leads, they are highly motivated to develop and implement effective marketing strategies.
  • Optimization: Online stores can constantly monitor the performance of their affiliate campaigns and make adjustments to increase efficiency. This can include changing commissions, working with different affiliates or promoting different products.

Overall, affiliate marketing, especially in its performance-based form, offers online stores an effective and low-risk way to promote their products and increase their sales. It enables a win-win situation in which both the store and the affiliate benefit from a successful partnership.

Content marketing for online stores

Content marketing is not just the creation of content, but the telling of a story that appeals to the target group and motivates them to take an action. For online stores, this can make the difference between a one-time buyer and a loyal customer.


  • Show expert knowledge: A blog enables online stores to delve deeper into topics that are relevant to their target group. This can range from instructions on how to use a product to industry news. A well-researched and well-written blog post positions the store as an expert in its field.
  • SEO benefits: Search engines love fresh and relevant content. A regularly updated blog with high-quality posts can significantly improve the visibility of an online store in search results.
  • Customer loyalty: A blog provides a platform for customer feedback. Comments and discussions can provide valuable insights into the needs and wishes of customers.

Video Marketing

  • Product demonstrations: A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video can be even more meaningful. Videos that show how a product works or how it looks in action can convince potential buyers and reduce uncertainty.
  • Emotional connection: Online stores can use videos to tell stories that arouse emotions. This can range from humorous sketches to heartfelt stories about the brand or the people behind it.
  • Increased conversion rates: Studies have shown that product pages with videos have higher conversion rates than those without.

SEO-optimized content clusters

  • Topic focus: Instead of isolated blog posts, online stores create comprehensive content clusters on a central topic. This offers users added value and boosts SEO performance.
  • Internal linking: Linking related articles within a cluster can encourage visitors to stay on the site longer, which has a positive impact on SEO and user experience.
  • Deeper customer loyalty: A content cluster offers visitors a wealth of information on a specific topic, which increases their loyalty to the store and their appreciation of the brand.

Video SEO and live streaming strategies

  • Optimization for search: Videos should be provided with relevant keywords, meaningful titles and descriptions as well as transcriptions to increase their visibility in search engines.
  • Live streaming: Live streaming offers a unique opportunity for interaction. Online stores can answer questions in real time, demonstrate products or give a glimpse behind the scenes.
  • Cross-platform promotion: A video or live stream should not remain on just one platform. By sharing on social media, in the newsletter or on the website, the reach can be maximized.

Overall, effective content marketing for online stores requires careful planning, creativity and an understanding of the needs of the target group. However, with the right strategy, content marketing can lead to increased traffic, stronger customer loyalty and ultimately higher sales figures.

Analysis, measurement and advanced metrics for online stores

Continuously monitoring and analyzing the performance of an online store is crucial to ensure success. By understanding and applying key figures, store operators can make informed decisions that help to increase sales and customer satisfaction. Here is an in-depth look at analysis and measurement for online stores:

Important key performance indicators (KPIs) for online stores

  • Conversion rate (CR): The CR indicates the percentage of visitors who perform a specific action (e.g. a purchase) on the website. It is not only important to know the CR, but also to understand which factors influence it, such as web design, user-friendliness or product offerings.
  • Average order value (AOV): The AOV measures the average value of a purchase. Through targeted marketing campaigns, such as cross-selling or upselling, online stores can try to increase this value and thus boost overall sales.
  • Customer acquisition costs (CAC): The CAC indicates how much it costs to acquire a new customer. It is important to see this value in relation to the customer lifetime value (CLV) in order to assess the profitability of marketing campaigns.
  • Repurchase rate: A key indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty. A high repurchase rate shows that customers are satisfied with the products and service and will buy from the store again.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): The NPS measures the willingness of customers to recommend the store to others. It provides valuable insights into customer satisfaction and can indicate potential for improvement.
  • Pages per session: This value indicates how intensively the website is used by visitors. A high value can indicate interesting content and a good user experience.
  • Bounce rate: A high bounce rate can indicate problems with the website, e.g. long loading times, confusing design or irrelevant content.
  • Shopping cart abandonment rate: A critical value for online stores. If many customers abandon the purchase process, the reasons for this should be analyzed. Possible causes may be hidden costs, a complicated checkout process or a lack of payment options.

In addition to these KPIs, online stores should also use advanced analytics tools and techniques, such as heatmaps to see where visitors click most often or A/B tests to compare different versions of a page. The combination of quantitative data (e.g. KPIs) with qualitative findings (e.g. customer feedback) enables a holistic analysis and optimization of the online store.

Über den Autor

CEO at | +49 89 54195608 | alexander.sperber@unitedads.de | + posts

Alexander Sperber ist Geschäftsführer und CEO von UnitedAds.
Seit fast 20 Jahren beschäftigt er sich mit den Themen Google Ads und SEO.

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