To ensure that your business is successful in the long run, you need to track your SEO efforts and optimize them as necessary.

However, it can be complicated to find a meaningful metrics for the
SEO success
that go beyond impressions and clicks.

It makes sense to use SEO KPIs that are more meaningful in terms of your company’s success.

We present 4 SEO tracking approaches that can give you more insight into the actual success of your search engine optimization.

Engagement Rate

The engagement rate is a re-introduction of Google Analytics 4 (GA4), so to speak. It meaningfully measures the engagements of your website. This includes clicks, scrolls, conversions and more. So with engagement rate, you track how many people visit your page, how often users click on your links and share content. So these metrics show you how interested or engaged users are in your company.

You can also use the engagement rate to your advantage when it comes to content. Through them, you can measure, for example, whether a video was played, an infographic was downloaded, or how far a user scrolled in your content.

You can use this data to determine how helpful the included content was. For example, if someone reads a blog post in its entirety and then leaves the site, it may still have been useful. If you first jump to the video, play it, and play other videos, that content seems to have been useful as well.


Conversions and conversion rate

Conversions and conversion rates (CVR) should always be considered together.

A conversion, such as a purchase, download, or submitting a contact form, are important actions that take place on your website. The conversion rate shows how many of the users reached (impressions) decided to take action by downloading or filling out a form.

If you can prove that you need 10,000 website visits per month to convert 500 users who take an action that subsequently leads to 50 purchases, you can better plan future marketing strategies and ultimately generate a little more profit.

Newsletter Sign-Ups

Tracking your newsletter signups gives great insight into whether your website and content is resonating well with users and making them want more. In terms of newsletter marketing, SEO data also provides the trends and click data to see exactly when your users are searching for certain types of content.

For example, a blog post about a particular time of year might be of particular interest and have a high search volume. Instead of relying on placement in search results, you can take action and announce the relevant post to your users via newsletters.

You can use the data from your SEO actions to optimize your newsletter calendar or even your posting on social media.

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is essential when it comes to evaluating revenue from SEO. This is especially helpful for subscription-based businesses.

When a user signs up for a subscription on your website, the payment for the first subscription month may initially be only 10 euros. However, if he signs up directly for the next 10 months, the value of this interaction is equal to 100 euros.

If there is also a referral program and the user recruits three more acquaintances, the customer lifetime value increases even further. Thus, Customer Lifetime Value can reveal to you the long-term profitability of your SEO efforts.

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